Life goes on.

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Delirious'/Jonathan's POV

Lester had split the money between us all, I received a big chunk of money that could really help me. I've saved up well over 1 million by now, that's a lot money...

My arm had been healing and I had been calling sick into work. I know I won't get fired because one they need me two there's so many cops dying now a days.

I haven't been very social either, I haven't went out with Scotty and his friends or I haven't really talked to the TIPS group either, although I have a feeling I shouldn't be talking to either.

I loved working with TIPS but I can't grow closer to them knowing that anyone of them could die easily, I'm not very good with deaths... Never have been never will be. My father died when I was just 16 it killed me and I still can never recover from it, my brother died a year later when he went out to war, he was one of the top dogs in the army. All that's left of my family is a mother who hates me for reason I'll probably never know.

Although I'm content with my life I can't help but want to be around those two groups. They both seem so similar yet different. I can't exactly hang our with Scotty and party because my arm isn't fully healed yet, even if the bullet wound would go fuck off I still wouldn't be right.

But I guess life goes on, I can't stay sulking about two groups of guys that I want to hang out with...

Vanoss'/Evan's POV

I miss partying with Jonathan and riding in a car with Delirious. Delirious would be a perfect fit for our group and well Jonathan would be a perfect boyfriend. I don't know what it is about Jonathan, his just such a fuckboy around girls but around me his so sweet and innocent as if he hates the attention. He strong jawline and his tanned skin just make me melt. I've never had such strong feeling in such a short amount of time.

We went out once or twice with Scotty but Jonathan didn't come saying he was to sick, I'll admit I'm fairly worried about him. Even the guys are.

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