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Vanoss'/Evan's POV

We just chuckled and pulled our masks on and grabbed our guns.

"Everyone try pick someone up and bring them under deck" I ordered. The gang nodded and we split up.

I walked up to a girl taking a picture of the beach.

"Its beautiful isn't it" I said looking out towards the view.

"It is, my favorite place. I always come here" she said smiling as I turned to look at her.

She had long blond beach wavy hair, she wore a bikini stuck up her ass and her tits almost falling out.

"How come I've never seen you before" I questioned giving her a cheeky grin.

"Well I don't know, I don't think we've met have we" She questioned with a smile.

"Well I'd think I would remember meeting someone as beautiful as you" I said with a wink. She giggled playfully. She bit her lip.

"Come on walk with me" I said holding out my hand.

"Okay" she smiled and accepted my hand. We walked hand in hand towards the gang who already had their victims tied up.

"What the.." She began but I cut her off by stuffing a tissue in her mouth.

"Damn she's a pretty one" Tyler chuckled.

"She's alright, and bit of a slut though" I chuckled pulling out my gun.

"Everyone got their silencers and spray cans" Lui questioned. Everyone held up their items and began their work. I shot my victim in the head and sprayed Vanoss upon her body. The others did the same and soon we walked away from the scene unnoticed.

"Where to next" Tyler questioned as he started the car.

"Rob a store" Marcel questioned.

"Sounds good" I replied and Tyler began driving a little over the speed limit. We shortly arrived at a convent store. We all got out with and place our masks over our head. We pulled out our guns and entered the store. A woman screen and Tyler shot her.

"Give me all the money in the cash register now" I said my voice deep and cold.

Lui stood next to the man pointing the gun at his head. Tyler had run out of the store staring up the car. Marcel had checked the back for any survivors. Soon the man handed the money over and Lui shot him. We quickly darted towards the car and Tyler began driving. We pulled into an alley and stayed put knowing it worked best for losing the cops.

"We better head home, see the news" I said excited to see how they react when they find out TIPS is out and about again.

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