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Delirious'/Jonathan's POV

I was on my way to Vanoss' place when some guys started tailing me and shooting at me, it didn't help that I was on a motorbike.

I took a sharp right into an alley and speed across the street hearing the honks of horns and shouting behind me I checked my mirror seeing the car was cut off. I smirked and speed quickly to Vanoss'. I parked my bike outside and entered the elevator. It made a ding sound and I got out and searched for apartment 458. Finally after the millionth number I found it. I knocked lightly on the door and wildcat opened it.

"Asshole is here" Wildcat called out.

"And his bleeding" Nogla said pointing to the blood on my jumper.

"The fuck" I questioned seeing the blood by my shoulder. I took off my jumper seeing a graze.

"Delirious" Lester warned.

"Its a fucking graze Les calm your man tits" I huffed sitting on one of the Spinny chairs.

"What the fuck were you doing" Basically questioned.

"Questions" I said looking towards the ceiling in frustration.

"Are you alright" Vanoss questioned towards me.

"I'll live" I mumbled nodding my head in a thank you manner.

"Will you be able to ride tomorrow" Lester questioned.

"Jesus Christ, you treating it as if I got shot in the fucking head" I muttered.

"You did get shot, in the arm. Are you not worried and panicking or anything" Mini said glancing at my arm.

"Thanks for you concern y'all but I'm fine now can we please just let the man explain this shit" I said throwing my arms up in frustration. Pain went through my arm but I didnt let it show.

As Lester explained I could see Vanoss taking glances at me and my arm.

"Right so everybody got it" Lester questioned.

"Yup" I said loudly.

"Alright move at 1 and Mini will guide you through it all" Lester said and mini nodded.

Lester exited the room and I checked my phone for the time.

"How dose someone have over 100 plus messages on their phone" Wildcat questioned peering over my shoulder.

"Questions" I said by now I had said it some many times I was fed up of my own voice.

I heard wildcat huff.

"Are you certain you'll be able to ride like normal" Vanoss questioned.

Jesus I'm going to end up snapping someones neck.

"I promise you I will get the money safely to Lesters without dying of blood loss or crashing" I said with a huff.

"If you say so" he said give me a look that conveyed he wasn't sure on my reply.

"Alright I'll see you ladies tomorrow" I mumbled walking out the door.

"Delirious" Vanoss called out as I was about to put in my helmet.

"What godamit" I grumbled.

"Look after this heist, we aren't going to be rivals are we" he questioned.

"And I know that's a question but I need to know" he added.

"We weren't rivals to begin with, I wasn't competing with you over kills, I'm just doing my job" I said and started up my bike and sped off towards my shitty house.

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