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Vanoss'/Evan's POV ° 2 days later °

A knock on the door made everyone look towards each other. I frowned and pushed myself off of the comfy coach and walked towards the door. Opening I see a worried Scotty and a very sad looking Anthony.

"Hey guys what's up" I questioned seeing them push past me and walk to the living room where all the guys sat.

"I need you guys to be honest with me" Scotty began. We all nodded unsure of what was going on.

"Did you guys kill this man" Scotty said holding up a picture.

"Hey that's the cool cop" Tyler pointed out.

"You guys know him" Scotty questioned confused.

"Yeah he pulled us over but didn't give us a ticket" Marcel said with a smile.

"Well his missing..." Anthony said sadly.

"We didn't kill him, I don't think we even saw him there" I said trying to think.

"Fuck..." Scotty mumbled.

"What's the big deal" Tyler said leaning back crossing his arms.

"His my fucking best friend for a start and second his had a rough life" Scotty said sitting down and placing a hand on his forehead. Anthony rubbed small circles on the mans back trying to calm him down.

"He hasn't been in work for 2 days, and he didn't call in sick. I was to drunk to even remember if he left the party early. I tried calling him but it always goes to voicemail" Scotty said tears pricking in his eyes.

This guy really means something to him

I frowned trying to think of a way.

"Track his cell" I said looking at Craig. Scotty looked up with hope.

"Scotty can I have your phone for a minute" Craig questioned. Scotty didn't think twice and handed over his phone. As Craig did his thing we sat in silence.

Was this guy actually dead? I hope his not... Wait why the fuck do I care? His just another stupid person in this town of crime.

"His at a house in greens worth number 6, in the ghetto part of town" Craig said writing down the address for Scotty. Scotty got up and hugged Craig. Craig smiled sadly and patted Scotty's back.

Soon the couple left and we were left in silence.

"Guys the news should be coming on" Tyler said turning ton the TV. He switched the channel to the news.

Delirious' killing numbers have went sky high. He killed over 7 people last night leaving random words on the walls.

A picture of the walls came on the screen.

Done, get scared, fire, hate, horror, serious, fucked.

But one stood out the most to me, unloved. This guy must seriously be fucked up. He has his reasons for the killings. But his dangerous that's why me and my crew stay on the look out for him,,he could be anywhere waiting to kill us.

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