“Maybe you should pay some more attention to the road,” I finally said after we started driving again.

            “Yeah…” she trailed off, obviously shaken by the near accident. The rest of the ride to school was silent as Kayla paid extra attention to the road. We arrived at the student lot at exactly seven, and had an entire half an hour to kill before class started.

            “Herpes infection, ten o’clock,” Kayla giggled as we approached Poppy and Nate in the main hallway. “Wanna cock block ‘em?” she asked.

            “Eh, I’m in a good mood, let’s do this.”

            “Hey guys!” Kayla shouted as she bounded across the hallway and landed directly in front of their baby making session. “How’s it going?” I had followed after Kayla, and from the other side of them I could see Poppy beginning to laugh.

            “You two kids using protection?” I asked parentally.

            “More importantly, does he know what it is this time?” Kayla added. Poppy couldn’t hold back her laughter any longer, and pulled away from Nate in a frantic giggle fit.

            “Remember, abstinence is only 99.99 percent effective,” I added and Kayla nodded in agreement.

            “You two ruin everything,” Nate groaned in mock anger.

            We all started laughing hysterically, and no one could talk. “Seriously though,” I said when we all calmed down. “We’re your friends, it’s our job, no, our duty, to cock block you.”

            Poppy shook her head slowly and made her red curls bounced around her face. “Honestly, when Chase gets here I’m going to make your life hell.”

            “Why me? Kayla and Ricky are bound to be having sex by third period!” I exclaimed.

            “Yes, but they’re nearly impossible to catch,” Nate smirked. “Say, where is Chase?” he asked, after the fact.

            “Somewhere, existing, on the face of the earth, you know, the usual,” Kayla shrugged.

We all started laughing when suddenly; a pair of hands obscured my vision. “Guess who?” Chase’s voice sounded in my ear.

“Well now it doesn’t work ‘cus I recognize your voice,” I sighed. I grabbed his hands, pulled them away from my face, and spun around to face him. I did my best to act like it brightened my day to see him, but I could tell that I was failing miserably. He on the other had, was playing the part perfectly. His brown eyes sparkled with pure excitement to see me, but only someone in on the joke would see the hidden gleam of mischief.

“Damn, I’ll try harder next time,” he smirked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kayla looking at us expectantly.

I closed my eyes and sighed, “Kayla, is there something you’d like to say?”

“Make out already!” she cried impatiently. She glared at us expectantly and I turned abck to Chase.

“On the count of three?” he suggested.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“One,” he whispered softly.

“Two,” I said under my breath.

“Three,” we said softly. I closed my eyes, tilted my head up and waited for him to lower his lips to mine. This kiss was only slightly different form the one that we had shared with Mickayla in the mall parking lot, both were forced, but this one was far more than a soft little kiss. No, this time we were full on making out, and I could honestly say that I didn’t mind it. There weren’t any fireworks or something cliché like that, but it was…comfortable to say the least.

We kept it up for a minute before pulling away to catch our breath. “Nice,” he whispered into my ear so that only the two of us could hear what he had said.

“Satisfied?” I asked Mickayla with raised eyebrows.

“Very much so,” she nodded in approval. I turned to Poppy who was vigorously making out with Nate. They were, once again, immune to the rest of the world.

“Dear God, those two are going to end up with some kind of disease one day,” I sighed, shaking my head in disapproval.

“You should have heard what they did at Chase’s party over the weekend,” a new voice interrupted.

“What did they do?” Kayla asked Ricky as he fist bumped Chase and joined our crowd.

“Well, let’s just say that clothes were on the ground and alcohol was definitely involved,” he smirked.

“You mean they…” I trailed off, as I didn’t want to finish the thought.

“Not all the way, but they got far,” Ricky answered. “At least, that’s one of the many rumors about them.”

“Looks like their relationship is far more popular than the rest of us,” I chuckled.

“The best part? Most of the rumors are about from before they went official,” Kayla added.

“I swear, you two gossip like old ladies,” Chase smiled and shook his head at them.

“They make the perfect old granny couple,” I smirked.

“What can we say,” Kayla smirked. “We’re perfect for each other.” Ricky grabbed her hand and pulled her in to kiss her abruptly.

“Abstinence!” I shouted as I barreled between them.

“Not fair! We didn’t do that to you!” Kayla complained.

“You instigated it!” I replied.

Kayla opened her mouth to respond, but Chase cut her off by saying, “you did it by choice, we were forced, to say the least.”

“Hey,” Ricky interrupted us. “Where did Nate and Poppy go?”

“Probably to go and have sex before the period starts,” Kayla shrugged.

“Well they better hurry because we have about a minute before first bell,” I said.

“They’re in my first period class, who wants me to time how late they are and send it to everyone?” Ricky asked jokingly.

“Haha, me!” Kayla chuckled.

“Seriously, do it,” I said.

“Haha I would but I don’t have a stopwatch,” Ricky laughed.

I snapped my fingers and said mockingly, “damn it. I was really looking forward to it.” The bell rang, signaling that we had five minutes to get to class and everybody parted ways. Chase took my hand and walked me to the locker rooms.

“Bye,” he said and bent down a little to softly peck me on the lips.

“No one’s around…” I whispered into his ear.

“I know,” he said straightening up. “That was so you could have something to gossip about with Poppy later.”

I shook my head at his retreating figure, and muttered under my breath. “I will never understand that boy,” I said before turning into the locker room to get changed.

 **A/N: Holy shit, I have written 10 chapters of a wattpad story, omg. OMG. OMFG!! This is a first! This calls for a celebration! Later today I might post chapter 11, assuming I can get it done in time, but still. I, Guardo_4_Eva, have successfully passed the 10 chapter mark on a Wattpad story!!

Song: The Final Countdown

Picture: A quote that I think a friend of mine needs to learn...

Dedication: To Karaline cus she's my bestie and I love herr. Go read her stuff!!! NOW!


My Fake Boyfriend PREQUEL TO SUCK MY LOLLIPOPWhere stories live. Discover now