Chapter: 22

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(Jasmine pov)(1week later)

I woke up out of bed and looked around and seen Tezzy, Liyah and Lauren laid out all over my bed. I smiled and rubbed their head and eased out of bed.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the walk in shower and walked to the tub that's on the other side of the bathroom and started running bath water for Tezzy.

I walked in his room and got his soap and a diaper for him. I walked back into the room and laid his diaper across the bed and picked him up softly off the bed.

I walked with him to the bathroom as he started to turn and twist in my arms I looked down at him and kissed all over his face and he smiled and played with my face.

I removed his diaper and shirt and set him down in the bath water and put his bubbles and toys in and watched him for a minute as he splashed around.

After 10 minutes of letting him splash and play I got up and set down my phone after picking a song and began to wash him off a with his baby body wash.

I washed his hair and took him out and dried him and put him on a diaper then rolled his play pen in my room and set him in there.

I looked up and noticed Lauren was woke and sitting on Liyah back trying to wake her up. But Liyah doesn't wake up this early when it isn't a school day. Liyah rubbed her eyes and looked up at Lauren as Lauren smiled at her all up in her face.

Liyah looked at her and pushed her forehead and looked at me as I laughed. She just kept looking at me while Lauren was still sitting on her back. I walked to their room and looked through Liyah clothes and found Lauren and Liyah something to wear.

I decided that I was going to put Liyah on a light blue jean overall set and a black and white undershirt and some black and white converse. I looked through the closet and found Lauren one of Liyah's gray dresses and a pair of Liyah's all white converse. I picked up Liyah and Lauren and carried them both to the bathroom.

I talked to them and ran their bath water as they got the bubble bath and picked a song they wanted to listen to off my phone as I connected my phone to the pill speaker and set it on the sink and stripped out my clothes after I put Liyah and Lauren in the tub together and gave them both a towel so that they can wash off with it.

I grabbed my strawberry cheesecake body wash and washed off as the scent went up my nose. I smiled and washed the body wash off and started to wash my hair with this new shampoo that I just got. I rinsed it and washed it and made sure that I got every spot and got out.

I wrapped a towel around me and stepped out the shower and walked across the bathroom to the tub and walked up the few steps that the tub was sitting on and grabbed the shampoo and washed Liyah and Lauren hair. Then I rinsed it out and wrapped a towel around their heads and wrapped another one around their body.

I walked them back into my bedroom and sat them on the bed and put their under gear on as Tezzy was sleeping. After I did that I grabbed the baby lotion and rubbed it all over their body and grabbed Liyah and walked her over to me so I can put Liyah clothes on.

She stood in front of me as I grabbed her white and black stripped shirt and slipped it over her half dried head then I moved on and helped her with her light blue overall and her put on her black and white converse.

I sat her on the bed to let her hair dry and picked up Lauren and kisses all over her face and sat down on the bed and stood her up in front of me and slipped her on her Gray long sleeve dress and her all white converse. I sat her on the bed as well and let her hair dry and walked to my closet to see what I would be wearing today.

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