Chapter:19 Party

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After the little nap we took it was now 5:00 pm and I decided to wash their face and changed Tezzy diaper and made sure that Liyah peed. And took Care of everything she had too do. I grabbed their jacket and buckled Tezzy up in his car seat. I made sure he was buckled in correctly and grabbed my purse and phone and keys and made my way out of the house with Liyah and Tezzy in my arms.

I unlocked the car and buckled them in while Tezzy was making all kinds of noise while Liyah was talking to him . I pulled out of my driveway and began to make my way down the road. I turned on the music and work by Rihanna was playing this my shit so I turned it up and began to dance in my seat. Tezzy was just looking at me giggling I smiled at him through the mirror and kept driving until I reached Denny's.

I parked my car and turned it off then hoped out the car and walked to the back of the car. I opened the door and grabbed Tezzy car seat and helped Liyah out the car while she grabbed Tezzy diaper bag & her tablet.

Liyah grabbed my hand as we made our way to the door. When I opened it I let go of Liyah hand and let her walk in before me. I let Liyah pick out the table she picked it out and we set down waiting for the waitress. Liyah was on my phone when the waitress came and I bad Tezzy.

The waitress began to speak while I looked up.

"Welcome to Denny's may I take your order",

" Skye is that you ",

She looked up ", Jasmine omg i missed you girl".

" I missed you too we gotta catch up come to my party tonight".

I handed her my phone And she gave me hers and we exchanged numbers we hugged and she took our order and got back to work. She brought back our food and I help Liyah cut up her food and I fixed Tezzy a bottle.

I picked him up and started feeding him his bottle and gave him a piece of pancake. I started eating as I watched Liyah eat and Tezzy struggle to eat his pancake and just smiled and started recording on Snapchat. It was so funny and cute after we was done with everything I put our trash together on the table and went too pay for our food and gave Skye a tip and told her I'll see her later tonight.

I got Tezzy and Liyah together and walked back to the car and buckled them up. We went back home and I packed Liyah & Tezzy bag since it was now 5pm and honestly it takes me forever too get dressed.

After I was done dropping them off I went and took a 20 minute shower. I plugged by phone up to my speaker pill and I grabbed 2 towels and my cheese cake soap. I stripped out my clothes and stepped into the glass door shower. I scrubbed my body getting every spot making sure I didn't miss anything my favorite song started playing and I began too sing along.

I stepped out the shower when I was done and saw rose petals going out the bathroom. I grabbed my towel wraped it around my waist and followed the roses. When I walked in the room I saw roses on the bed and 2 boxes. I opened it up and saw a red sparkling dress and purple silky gloves.

Then I opened the next box and saw some all red-red bottoms I was happy as hell but I didn't know who it was from. I picked up the roses and smelled them and grabbed the card. It said, "Dear Jass I know we aint on good terms but I love you and Happy 21st birthday and the hair and make-up people are on there way.

With that being said I quickly threw on something so I could go and get the door. I let them in and they immeditaly got to work. First they started on my hair dying it red and adding extensions making it longer. When she was done she curled it and swooped it too the side side and curled the bang.

They helped me put on my dress then began on my make up. They put my eye lashes on and a little foundation and they was done and begun to pack up their things. I didn't have to pay because it was already paid for but I made sure I gave them a tip because they was very nice & they can really slay some shit.

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