Chapter 10: Father's Love

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Chapter Ten:

     Father’s Love 

January 23, 2014, we finished preparing ourselves for our great escape but we never did escaped. Our refuge was attacked starting from sector two, from where wounded soldiers and children are. My friends and me went there to help the children out, but we we’re too late.

We just saw Joe killing his own daughter with his own hands, and we heard from the transmissions the screams of our fellow men, we listened quietly and sadly. We failed the mission on saving the kids and now we failed on helping those people to be kept alive. We are trapped inside the cellar with no hope and idea on living for tomorrow.

We lost everyone, and soon enough we’ll be killing each other inside this cellar. Two of us are bitten by them and one of us is dead. Only one pilot remained four survivors and thousands of living dead surrounding us. And just two days to go, that missile will crash in this place and kill us al in just a blink.

 I was sitting on the corner, looking at those things craving for our flesh reaching us.  And I looked at the others, they are all sitting on a corner trying to forget this horror, changing their sad faces into a smile. 

But I just saw Joe still looking at his daughter’s body lying on the ground, lifeless. I can see in her eyes joy, but for his father, guilt. I stood up and came near Joe to comfort him.

He looked at me and looked back at Trisha.

“She was nice girl..”-I said.

“Yes she is..”Joe said, “She has her mother’s way of living..”

I just kept silent and listened to his words; I can see his teary eyes and shaking voice.

“Ever since she was five she lost her eye sight, so as her mother.” Joe said, “ She grew up alone in the dark, I always wanted to retire the navy but they won’t let me… Every time I would come and visit her, I can only see her fast asleep on her bed, and by the time she wakes up I’m already gone.”

“She’s a nice and kind girl, I don’t know why she was punished like this, I could have been the one who died! I wasn’t there for her as she grow, I wasn’t there for her when she stumble on the ground and lift her up on her foot and say to her that ‘everything’s alright, you did well..’ …. I wasn’t there for her to wake her up and prepare to go to school.. I wasn’t there for her on her birthday, I wasn’t there for her when she had a nightmare and needs comfort… I’m a bad FATHER!!!!  And now this is what she get, I killed her with my own hands!! I killed my only angel!!!” and he fell down on his foot and cried in front of Trisha.

I looked at Trisha’s face; I can see her eyes full of joy and her lips smiling towards her father. 

“Trisha my baby.. I love you my Baby.. Daddy’s here.. Don’t be scared..”-Joe said while hugging his daughter tightly, “I’m sorry daddy wasn’t there for you ha?? But always remember that he loves you.. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE ANGEL!!!” and he screamed out of great pain.

If Trisha would’ve been alive today, she would wipe out his father’s tears and hug him back, saying that ‘I love you too Daddy, It’s ok that you did that, but I know you love me daddy.. I will always be here with dad.. Forever..’

I tapped his shoulders and left him alone in the corner, I can feel his grief and pain, I’m much more jealous of Trisha for having a father such as Joe, I missed my Father and mother.

I went to the corner and leaned my forehead on it, and I just felt my tears falling rapidly. I don’t know what I was crying for, either it was for failing to help Trisha and the others, or I just miss my family.

And suddenly I remembered me killing Julian and my family with my bear hands. I destroyed the wall with my bear hands, which caused it to crumble and fall to those things.

“Alex..” Yanna said while she taps my back, I just hugged her tightly, I can’t forgive my self for what I have I done to my family. I killed them.

And I just saw Joe bowing down, while his tears fell off, he was still hugging his daughter on his arms.

I saw a father who cared a lot for her daughter, I saw a child hugging her father back and smiling back at him. How I wish to have a father as him once again..

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