Chapter 15: Cries at the Desert

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Chapter Fifteen:

Cries at the Desert

We have escaped the cellar, we now have 9 people living we just lost Joe back there. Our food supplies were left ther with Joe, now they will die starving.

With the tanks transmissions, we have heard late broadcast from the army, saying that the virus spread through out Asia, soon enough it will reach Atlantic. We already lost hope, now we stayed at the desert where there is no life source or the sign of the undead.

Many of the trees withered and the water dried up or changes into blood. We have an infant and an old man to feed, but where do we find food?

“Why did this happen anyway?” Six asked while lighting his last cigar.

“Same question, why did this happen.” Tyler asked.

“We’ve lost so many lives, mostly seeing our own family killed by our own hands.” Andrea asked who was sitting on top of the tank with Kelly and Six

“This might be what they call Armageddon.” Yanna said, “The end of Human kind.”

And they all remained silent, starring at the dark starry sky, while the wind blows.

“I remember my teacher asking us about the question, what will you do if it was the end?” I said, “ I didn’t know the answer, I just passed a blank paper to her.” Then I smirked, “ I didn’t knew that, that  day would come now.  Back then I’m just a  stupid kid from nowhere, I always like bullying and hurting people useless in my eyes, but now..

I’m here helping people I don’t know, trying to save them and to preserve human kind. But it’s so funny, I’ve been saving people I don’t even know, not even a part of my life before, but I can’t even protect my own family.

All I just remember is that, I saw them dying in my arms, I didn’t even know the truth back there,  back when I was a child all I wanted was to bring back time, the time when I had so much happiness and time with my mom and dad.

BUT not anymore, I can’t bear to see them change into something, I don’t want to kill them again. However, killing them was always a mystery for me ever since, I always ask my self why did I kill them? Why did I killed them!!

I always hated myself, I wanted to kill myself for what I have done, I always wanted to know the reason why and now, I knew the truth why I did that, but none of those matters anymore. ” then I lighted the last cigar I had even though I’m not used to it, “These might be the last thing I have ever tasted in my entire life.”

“That’s the same us mine, let me have that!.” Yanna exclaimed, took that cigar away from me, and inhaled some of it and they passed it on Tyler.

[A:N/ Play the video on the right, read with the music, ^_________^]

“For me, All I ever dreamed of is to become a computer technician, to create my own game! That’s what I was planning to be, but who cares now right?” Tyler said and inhaled some of it then Renz took it.

“And me, I would want to see my little sister again, I want to say sorry to her..” then he sniffed, “I want to be a responsible brother to her for the last time, so Reah..” then he looked up to stop his tears from falling, “Don’t forget to drink your milk after getting to bed alright?” And he smiled as he blows away the smoke.

I looked at all of them their always painting a fake smile on them, these might be the end of our kind, no more running, we’re tired of hoping to see paradise.

I can see a mother hoping to see her child grow old with her own family but it won’t happen anymore there is nothing left to build.  And I can see an old man holding his family picture and crying hoping to see them again for the last time and repent for all what he has done, maybe he want to see his grandchildren graduate but he wont anymore there’s nothing to fulfill.

“Before we came to these, I always wanted to become a doctor, I love helping people but,” Kelly said and took a sniff, “I can only think about now is my parents. I want to see them again!!!” and she started screaming her guilt and regret for what she has done and suddenly tears rapidly ran of from her eyes, “MA!!!!!!!!! PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SORRY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WON’T RAN AWAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Andrea and the mother comforted Kelly, but she wont stop.

“MA!!!! PA!!!! I’M SORRY I’VE HURT YOU!!!! I PROMISE I WONT TALK BACK ANYMORE!!!! I PROMISE I WILL BE A GOOD GIRL!!!! I’M SORRY MOM!! DAD!!!!!” and they all began to cry and shout.


“OMA!!!!!!!!!!! OPPA!!!!!!!!! SARANGHE!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!! DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I looked at all of them, I felt so jealous I wish I had a real mom and dad to call unto, I just looked at all of them crying on their knees shouting there regrets and missing someone they always loved.

But then I just bowed my head, I realized I have no rights to call unto them because I’m their killer, I have no reason to say sorry. I just want to keep it in me. Then my tears suddenly fell from my eyes, and I began crying with all of them.

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