chapter 11: sacrifice

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Chapter Eleven:


“Ryan??!! Andrea!! IS anyone alive out there!!,, Answer me!!”- I exclaimed on the transmissions but no one answered.

“It’s no use..”-Marj answered, she became pail and weak,” Soon enough we’ll just end up like them..”

I came near her and touched her forehead, “it’s going to be alright..” and I gave her a smile.

I just don’t get it, Reah from before was bitten on the arm and it took one night to let her become one of them, but Duke, it just took hours, and now Marj and Joe.

“Agh!! How are we going to get out of here!!”-Tyler exclaimed.

“Even if we get out, we don’t know if people are still alive outside this cellar..”-Yanna answered.

“If there weren’t anyone left, the bus and trucks are still good to go..”-I said.

“But how about the others?”- Renz said, I know he was pertaining to Andrea and Kelly.

“I don’t know..”-I said.

“We just need to find a way out of here..”-Joe said, “Where do you think this pipes lead to??”

“I don’t know..”-Tyler said while standing beside Joe, “it might be going to the sea or..”

“ Or.. we could climb back to the cellar’s door and get the others…”-Joe suggested

“What!! You mean climb up there??”-Renz exclaimed.

“How about Marj? She’s wounded; she might not be able to make it in time.”-Yanna said.

And then a big shake and crack is all that we heard.

“What’s going on?”-Tyler said while holding onto the wall.

“The floor is falling apart!!”-Yanna shouted

“We’ve gotta get out of here!! FAST!”-Renz shouted.

I had a good look at the first floor and I saw those things pushing each other, the floor was crowded by them and the force is making the post cracking  and might cause the floor to collapse.

“We should move on!!!”-Joe said while climbing onto the big pipes on the wall.

“Wait!! Help me in here!!”-Yanna said while helping Marj to stand up.

I came to help her, but the more we move the more the floor is cracking and collapsing apart.

“Wait!! Don’t move!!”-Yanna shouted and we didn’t move, and the crack stopped.

I looked ahead and saw Joe and the others safe on the pipe, but we can’t move an inch.

“H-How do we get there..”-I said.

“There’s too much weight,  AGh!”-Yanna said.

“Let’s do it one at a time..”-I said

She nodded and step by step, we slowly moved our foot, towards the pipe.

May sweat are running rapidly onto my face so as Yanna and Marj, our teamwork is the only chance that we know that could get us all safe to the bars.

We reached the post of that floor and stood still in it.

“Hurry up!!”-Joe shouted

“Come on!! The floor is collapsing!!”-Tyler shouted.

“Come on AGH!!”-I shouted and I walked on step but it cracked going towards the pipe.

We stopped, we stopped breathing, we believed that if we move one foot we’ll all be falling on those things and be their feast.  We looked at each other breathing nervously, and seriously. We slowly lift our foot but the crack just went to fast so we put our foot back.

“Ok… hold on.. We’re gonna get out of here..”-Yanna said to Marj.

But Marj just grinned weakly.

I looked ahead, I saw the others looking after Joe, I think his spitting blood, SHIT!! The virus going through his body!!

I’m already sweating in fear, in nervousness, and I can feel my heart beating rapidly. We’re all stock here and now if we move, the floor’s going to collapse, but if we stay here forever, Marj, and the other monsters will soon come here.

AGH!!! I’m out of ideas!!

I saw Yanna catching her breath I bet she’s also afraid of something.

“ALEX!! HURRY!! WE GOT COMPANY!!”-Renz shouted and pointed at our back.

“SHIT!!!”-I shouted.

We all heard it groaning and roaring while blood along with it’s blood falling from it’s teeth.

“Don’t move..”-Yanna said

I nodded.

But marj. Just chuckled, and said, “You go.. I’ll stay..”

“SHH!!! That thing will hear us!!”-Yanna whispered.

Yes there’s one big Fucking Project 68 above us. I hate it when all worked out with their way.

“I’ll cover you..”-and Marj. Took one pistol from me, and armed it.

I looked at her curious and worried or surprised. I can see her shaking not because of fear but because she’s changing.

“What are you doing!! Where all going to get out of here!!”-and I took away the gun from her.

“Don’t make me look like a freak!! I know I wont make it….”and she took the gun from me again, and we saw that thing coming down from the ceiling roaring, “Go.. I- I’ll c-cover you..”

Yanna said goodbye, and for me, we made our shake, “Kill nice..” I said

“Die hard..” and I ran, as the floor collapse and that project 68 charging towards Marj.

“DIE YOU BITCH!!!”-Marj shouted and we heard gunshots so along with the roaring sound and cracking floor.

I didn’t looked back anymore, I just ran and ran coming near the pipes. I just saw Yanna getting up there, and me, the floor is following me towards the safety.

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