Chapter 2: Escape

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Chapter Two:


“KellY!!!” I shouted back while those things are already around us, and are dragging one of us.

“FIGHT IT!!” I said to the boy who was holding a bat, and I went on the door, “Step aside!!” I said to Kelly and the girl.

I chopped down the door.

“Hurry!!” the girl said.


“HURRY!! A!!”

“AGH!! YOU b-better h-hurry back there.. AGH!!” the boy who was batting some of them.


“AGH!” I chopped down the door and opened a space for us to go through.”GO!!” I said to them, while I help the man to stop those things.

“ALEX!!” Kelly shouted.

“JUST GO!!” I said and saw them running away, I pulled the boy to go through the door and so far, we went outside through the hallway going to the other building.

“Hurry!!!” The girl said.

The boy and I were running towards them while those things are still coming after us.

GOD!! What the hell is going on!!

“COME ON!!” I told the boy as I grab his hands, we both ran and ran until we reached the others and ran towards the rooftop.

“GO!!” I shouted, those things are coming after us and what’s worst as we reach the door to the rooftop we met more of them there.

I locked the door from behind to at least stop those things from adding the sum of the others here on top.

“GO ON TOP!” I told them while pointing at the squared tank about 12 feet high near the rails of the rooftop.  We all ran towards the tank, Kelly, and Andrea went ahead on top of it, until 

I was going to go up when all of a sudden.

“AH!!!” the girl shouted when those crazy things bit her on her arm and fell on the ground, as the other things followed.

“GO ON!!” I told the others to go up and went towards the girl and chopped those things who are trying to come near her, “GET OFF HER!!” I told that crazy thing and chopped its back.

IT stood up and faced me, while the girl stood up holding her wounded arm and ran towards the tank.

I ran towards the tank and waited for the girl to get up, and those things still keep on coming! I heard the door cracked and opened and more of them came in.

“HURRY!!” I said as I pushed the girl’s butt, those things are coming right and why is she slowing down!! I’m gonna be bitten here!!

“COME ON!! “ I told her, how far is it to reach the top?

One of them grabbed my neck and took me down on the ground. Some of them kept on coming near me to enjoy the feast.

“AGH!! GET OFF ME!!” I pushed that crazy thing with my foot and climbed up the tank, I’m almost there.

“ALEX!! HURRY UP!!” Kelly shouted back at me, as she reach my hands.

  I was about to reach her hand when all of a sudden those things grabbed my left foot!!

“AGH!! LET GO!!” I looked down and tried to set loose my foot but it wont bunch!!

“HOLD MY HAND!!” Kelly said to me as she catches my hands, I grabbed her hand back.

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