Chapter 14: Rat Attack

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Chapter Fourteen :

Rat Attack

While we are walking on the tunnel going to the outside part, Yanna woke up. Renz is still carrying her, and right now, Tyler is on her side.

“you can put me down now..”-Yanna said and Renz did so.

“Are you alright?”-Tyler asked

“I’m fine. We should move on.”-Yanna said.

“What’s your name.”-I said.

“M-me?”-the man said.

“Is there any other else?”-me

“I-I’m Six, c-can I ask you a question.”-Six asked, “H-how did I came back to life? I remember that I was beaten by those crazy things and nothing else.”

In fact I don’t even know why, or how you came back to life I wish I could just answer him back but I can’t I don’t know the reason why.

“You don’t know don’t you? Oh by the way why is your eyes glowing? And why did your hand turned into something weird? And this girl, is this Yanna, why did you drank her blood are some kind of Vampire or something?”

“If I were you I’ll shut up or else I’ll turn you back into the dead.”- I said emotionless.

“Yeah alright, I’m sorry I’m actually a news reporter, and that’s why I love asking.. But where exactly are we?”

“We’re actually at the Philippines,.”-Tyler said

“Oh, I never thought I’d be reaching this place, I was from New Zealand and how on earth did I reach this place. Hmm weird.”

“What did you say you where from?”-Tyler asked

“I’m from New Zealand why?”

“T-That can’t be..”-Joe said now his already pail, his being carried by Tyler.

“Those mean the entire Asia! NOW WHERE ARE WE GOING TO STAY?”-Tyler exclaimed

That’s the big question, in just weeks the virus spread and now what place can we call home again. This is really the end of time.

And suddenly, we heard a tiny sound, might be rat or a cat.

“W-what was that?”-Six asked

“What’s that rumbling sound?”-Tyler asked

We stopped, and I looked back. SHIT!

“RUN!!!”_ I shouted

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!”-Tyler shouted

Some days ago, I fought a dog now mice? WHAT’s Next!! Bear?

“WHICH WAY!”-Yanna asked

“GO STRAIGHT AHEAD!”-Joe shouted

“HEY WAIT!! HELP US!”-Tyler shouted

Renz came back, carried them both, and ran back with us.

“AGH! AH!!!! GET OF ME!! OUCH!!!”-Six shouted, some rats jumped at his back, and their eating his flesh?

“HELP ME!! AGH!! AHH!!!”-Six shouted, I came back to remove those things from him and ran again.


When we reached the door, Yanna and the others are already outside,  I held Six and we jumped towards the door and as we came out, Yanna and Renz threw fire and grenade in the cellar and it exploded, none of the rats escaped the place.

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