Chapter 3: The End Of Time

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Chapter Three:

The End of Time

 “Alex come back home before six ok? I wont be home for three days..” my mom said to me, while taking his baggage as she walks through the door.

“MOM WAIT!!” I shouted and ran after her through the door but as I enter it, I just came in an empty white room, with one chair at the center and the windows widely open.

I roamed around and looked out side one window which was near me, I saw me and my real mother planting plants at the backyard when I was just 6.  The next window was I and my father teaching me how to properly balance a bicycle, until the next window. I saw my parents die at the car we rode. 

 And I saw the very last window, I saw the family who adapted me, lying on my lap dead with blood and their insides out of nowhere, I saw me eating them. I stepped away from the window with my sweat running over my face, I looked at my hands, and there was blood on it.

“Alex..”, someone called me from the back and I saw my mother, coming near me, her body was eaten by those things and her insides was falling the floor as her blood covers it, I stepped back away from her.


“Alex.. why?” my mother said to me as she stretch out her hand towards me. All I know is that I need to get away from her or else she’ll eat me.

“Alex.. why did you ate us dear?” my mother said, and I’m at the corner of the room, at the window. “Alex.. why?”

“NO! I Never ate anyone!!!” I exclaimed and looked at my hands, which is getting cold.

“Yes you did my dear… You killed us..” she said and she was coming near me, “NO GO AWAY!!” I shouted.

“Come here.. Alex!!”She shouted.

And all of a sudden, someone grabbed my neck at the window and bit me on my neck as my mother attacked me and bit my stomach.

“AH!” I tried to pushed them away but it was all to late, “AH!!!!” I shouted.

“ALEX!!”, I woke up and saw everyone looking at me worried. I looked around and we are all at the bus, “W-where are we? What happened?” I said and I stood up,”Agh.. Ouch..” I grunted and held my neck coz it hurt.

“Be careful you shouldn’t be standing yet..” Kelly said who was in front of me.

“W-where are we?” I asked them again.

“We’re at the bus just like you said that we’ll escape.” Renz said while he was driving.

“How did I get in here?” I said.

“Tyler and Yanna saved you back there.. We thought we’d loose you men..” Andrea said to me.

“Tyler? Yanna??” I said confused.

Kelly just nodded, and she stood up which is the reason why I saw that Tyler and my friend Yanna.

Yanna approached me, and sat beside me at the back sit.

“I can’t believe you made it after what happened yesterday men..” I said to her with my normal face again.

“And I can’t believe you made it too men. We’re supposed to meet at the gym after first class..” Yanna exclaimed, actually we are artist, not artist as in drawing but artist as in fighting, we’re black belter and I’m the team captain, I also joined the samurai classes and she is my team captain.

“Sorry I was sleeping..” I said, “But why did you brought that homosexual boy with you?” I was pertaining for Tyler.

“What did you just said?! ME! I’m not that gay you moron.. tsk.” He said and faced me, “You’re lucky you’re not dead if it weren’t for me your one of them now.” And he turned his back again.

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