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That will be our last night to ever see each other again, it might all be too late for all of us to say all of our pains and regrets during the time we all had them with us, but we never regret on meeting each other.

“MInna!!!!” I shouted while my tears rapidly fell of my eyes, I was crying with all my heart, “ARIGATO!!!!  THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH ME TILL THE END!!!!!!!!” [A:N/ Minna-Everyone]

We all hugged each other, and thanked each other that we all met, we hoped to see each other again.

These night became our graduation for meeting and surviving those past days. Then we all now fell asleep and said our last wishes and words before we eternally sleep.

“Alex?” the mother said who was sitting beside me, I just looked at her and wipe my teary eyes, “I always wished that my baby would become a good teacher, to have her own daughter, and family.” Then she looked at her baby.

She began crying before me but I just comforted her, I know I can’t die no matter what I do, all I just know is to bleed until nothing is left in me.

When they are all asleep, I took my knife out, stab it into my stomach, and bleed.

I just looked into the sky, sang a song which I think I have heard before and after sometime I began feeling hungry and week, I took my last glimpse at them who are all sleeping peacefully and I closed my eyes.

[A:N/ Play the video on the side, read while listening to music! ^____^]

We became the extinct kind of living things if there is still a living thing.

When I started closing my eyes, I remembered my self at the chamber where all I think started for me, from where I thought he is my father but not. All I could every wished now is to lay beside them forever.

January 25, 2014

For several days and weeks, we have managed to survive this terror, this apocalypse but so sad, we can no longer stay to live on.

During this night I have been so jealous of my friends, I always wanted to shout with them for my parents but I don’t have one, so I just cry for my sins. I felt so alone during that time. And I felt as if this is where I began, I felt like this is the time where it all started for me but I don’t know.

After that time, we all decided to sleep forever, but for Yanna and me we decided to bleed out to die with all of them. And so we did, tomorrow morning humanity will remain extinct in the world, no more.

When they are all sleeping so peacefully, Alex stab herself to bleed to death, but unknowingly a drop of her blood fell on the baby’s mouth and it changed the child’s fate, soon enough the child will grow with no memory on how she lived and on how she began.

Now the world faced so much terror, it now became the dead world, the extinction


                                                                                                                 By Akiramiah

A:N/ For those who's reading this, i'm still doing the book 2 of Extinction, but that is going to wait for a bit.. ok??  and the next book might not be good for readers below 15, it's going to have more violence and words..... hehehe..

by the way thanks for reading this... Appreciate it much... 3>

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