A Message From Light

Comenzar desde el principio

I go down the escalator and wait by the train. In an hour, a special train comes by that no one sees except the other angels, Gods, and Messengers and me. The doors open and we step aboard the special train.

Their are three terminals. A, G, and M. A for Angels Terminal, G for Gods Terminal, and M for Messengers Terminal.

Angels can only go to A so I wait for the train to arrive to A. I step off and the light above me blinks green for me to go on. See, if a Messenger or God tries to go to Terminal A, the light will blink red and Terminal A Security would come. It gets to be a big mess.

I go to a desk that sits across from the train. Hannah, an Angel of Travel, sits on the other side.

"Hey, Alex! Need to travel tonight?" Hannah asks, smiling.

"Yeah. I need to go to the Angels of Light's Island. Any flights at 8:30 pm?" I ask.

"Let me take a look here," Hannah says, typing on her computer, "So, Alex, how's it goin' with Jessica?"

"Oh, Jess? She's ah... She's fine. Fine as a human can be." I say. Jess? I haven't seen her in a year. I expected everyone to know what had happened between Jess and I but, I guess news doesn't travel that fast.

"Oh. Is everythin' alright, Alex?" Hannah asks.

"Yeah. It's just... I haven't talked to or 'bout Jess in a long time. Since the God of Love and the God of Anger have talked to me, I haven't been protectin' Jess. Did ya not know 'bout that?" I say.

"No, I didn't know. I'm sorry for bringin' her up. Probably has been a long time since you've thought 'bout her," I nod my head, "See, I haven't talked to ya since you went to visit the Gods of Anger and Love. I remember. You were worried that she was-"

"That's enough, Hannah. Your mother just has to be one of the Angels of Past," I interrupt her. We laugh. Her mother is an Angel of Past and her father is the Messenger for the Angels of Flight. Sometimes, her mother's genetics kick in.

"Well, lucky 'ol you, an Angel of Flight is comin' from the God's Land to here then to Angels of Light's Island. Landon fine with you?"

"Yeah. When will he be in?"

"Hmm... Around 8:16 pm."

"I'll take it, Hannah." She prints off a boarding pass and I take it and thank her.

• • • • •

"Alex, goin' to Angels of Light's Island?" Landon asks as I take a seat in his 10-passenger airplane.

"Yep! I heard you came from the God's Land. How's the weather?" I ask. If he says it's sunny, the Gods are peaceful with each other. If he says it's storming, the Gods aren't peaceful with each other.

"Hmm... It was partly cloudy. God of War and God of Peace just started fightin' when I left. How's Earth?" Landon says.

"Great. First day of school for me again." I say.

"Ya know, you should talk to God of Time 'bout that. He could get ya out of school by agin' ya." I shake me head no and he goes into the cockpit. Once he starts talking, I fall asleep.

• • • • •

I wake up and hear Landon talking.

"We're approachin' the Angels of Light's Island. Right now, we are hoverin' over Angels of Flight's Island. This is where every Angel of Flight includin' myself is sent out of to fly Angels, Gods, and Messengers around the Earth."

I look around me, to see if I recognize anyone, after the announcement. Most of the angels are sleeping and very few are awake. I notice that Eve, an Angel of Slumber, is on board. That's why everyone's asleep.

"Eve," I whisper to her. Her daydreaming ends and she walks down the rows of seats to me.

She sits on the seat to my left and asks, "Alex? Why are you here? Why aren't ya sleepin'? Ya know that's my job. I'm suppose to make people fall asleep on planes."

"I know, I know. I'm going to Light. She messaged me. And, ya know it's hard for older Angels of Light like me to fall asleep under a younger Angel of Slumber's command," I say, answering all her questions.

"Light messaged you? That's not somethin' that happens very often. What did ya do wrong?" She asks, confused why Light had messaged me.

"I don't know what I did wrong but, she messaged me alright," I say.

"Well, Alex, you need to go to sleep. You will need rest to be able to talk to Light." That's when I fall asleep under Eve's command. A deep sleep.

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