July 9, 2010

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Marco sat on the porch in front of his house, licking his melting chocolate icecream. He looked at the other kids riding their bikes, playing hopscotch. An older, slender kid spoted Marco and walked towards him. Marco looked up from eating his dairy treat at the kid. The kid smiled a devious smile.

The kid grabbed the ice cream cone and smashed it into the hot concrete. The kid's laughter was loud enough for China to hear. Marco stood up, and he yelled at the boy.


The boy grabbed Marco by the shirt and screamed in his face


Z looked up and saw the whole thing happening. He immediately dropped everything and ran towards the boys. Z kicked at the older kid until the older kid ran away crying. Marco looked at Z in suprise.

'Why'd you do that?" Marco asked.

"No reason," Z smiled.

"Thanks, a lot," Marco smiled back.

From there, Marco and Z became the best of friends. They were always there for eachother. Marco was convinced that Z was truly a person with a heart of gold. 

If Z was a good person from the start,

What happened?

People change. For the better, or for the worse.



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