sleepover part two

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Zandra's pov

         Hanging out with Isis Is so fun! Im really glad too, she looked so tense when I saw her at school, now we're on my bed laughing our butts off.

                  We were having an awesome time, when I remembered I was supposed to stay after school.

       "Oh my god! I forgot! Ugh, great, i'm suspended and its still really early in the year." I said annoyed that school had ruined the moment. Then I remembered, Isis sits way in the back of the lunchroom and probably didnt see what happened. As if she read my mind, she asked what happened.

         "So I was standing in line for lunch right? And this girl kept pulling my hair and I was asking her to stop, but she didnt. So I kinda yelled at her. Then She pushed me and I fell into the person in front of me, and like the next seven people fell like dominoes. She was laughing like a little b-.... *ahem*, she was laughing so I kinda sorta maybe punched her." I said.

     "No, really? You just straight up punched her?"

"Hahhahaa, yup. Her nose was bleeding and everything."

"Danng, so then what?"

           "So then I walked back to my seat, and she grabbed my hair and pulled me off my chair, and when I went to stand up she tried to kick me buuuutttttt. ME BEING THE AWESOME NINJA THAT I AM GRABBED HER FOOT." I said in an overdramatic voice, bring my hand up to my chest and grinning like a madman. We both laughed for a while,then Isis asked: "How DID you learn to do that stuff?" 

      "I started ninjutsu training when I was four, and I just stopped going to classes a couple months ago when I moved." I replied. 

   "What belt did you have? Black?"

"Yup. Don't mean to brag, but I mean this genuinely. Testing for my black belt was just... CRAZY." I said, remembering it. "What do you mean by testing?" Isis asked, clearly interested now. That fact made me grin, cuz gosh I love being able to talk about my interests. "Well, testing is showing the sensei-the teacher- that you've learned a lot, and are able to go to the next rank. I got my black belt when I was 12, so I had to spar with fully grown men, who were also black belts. I had seen a friend of mine test for a black belt, and at the time, I didn't realize how hard it was. Like she was crying a little. You don't really realize how little you can actually do in a realistic situation, even after years of training. I don't cry, like EVER, but I almost did then. Also, apparently I chipped one of the coaches teeth and made another one's scalp bleed." I said, happy that Isis was interested.

        Isis just looked at me. "Remind me never to get on your bad side..." She said with a laugh.

"What about you? What kinda things do you like to do?" I asked.

    "Uhhh, I like playing soccer. In middle school I was on the soccer team. Hahahaha, we won evvvverrrryyyyy game." She said.

          "Dang, I can't play soccer without either falling or having my shoe fly off and hit someone." I said with a chuckle. "I also like painting and drawing, just artsy stuff in general." She said.

 "YES, i've never actually had a friend that likes artsy stuff." I said happily. "Wow, same actually." Isis replied.  "Personally, I love painting, but I prefer using pencils, like charcoal and colored pencils, then I usually outline in pen." I said. "I like to stick to painting and sometimes oil pastels." Isis said.

           We chatted about artsy stuff for at least an hour, when Liz came up stairs and told us to go to sleep. 

          "Nooooooooo, I dun wanna sleep Lizzy." I said pouting. "Finnnneeee, one more hour then you guys gotta go to sleep." She said, then left.

          "Soooooo, what's your favorite color?" I asked, since Liz left it got kinda quiet. "Hmmmm, green. Yeah, light green." Isis answered. "Nice! Y'know, that's Danny's favourite color too." I said. "No offence, but he's a creep." She said. "Yeah, I know he kinda comes off like that, but he really doesn't mean it, It's just kinda his way of joking around." I said, although I can totally see why she'd think he's a creep. "Oh, well still." She said.

           We talked about this and that, until we decided to go to sleep. I lied down on the right side of my bed, but she moved to the floor.

     "Uh, Isis, this a double bed, there's enough room for both of us. You don't have to sleep on the floor." I said.

            She didn't really say anything, she just moved onto the bed. It was around 12:30, and The last thing I remember talking about was some  youtube video with a nerd and a jock, then the rest I don't really remember. Yeah I passed out cold, Im a really heavy sleeper too. 


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