Back in The Skate Park

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Zandra's pov:

           It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was in the skate park with Danny. He was really getting the hang of it and he can ride and turn pretty smoothly. Still quite a  ways away from doing some of even the basic tricks though. Me and him were sitting on a bench eating sandwiches, soda and granola bars. 

        I heard my phone beep, muffled from inside my backpack. I fished my phone from out of the bag and looked at the screen. It was a text from Isis.

*dude i just had the weirdest dream

*wut happened?

                                                                             *it was like a lucid dream, and u were there. we were on the                                                                          beautiful beach and we went and bought music then u told me we should go to a nightclub and u put on a dress and makeup and stuff.

*ewwwww i hate dresses

*thats what I was thinking!

                                                                               *Then all of a sudden I was sitting on a bench next to some guy                                                                            and he told me he loved someone else and I was crying but i didnt even know this dude!

*weird dream O-o

                                                                                    *ikr then this girl was walking with the dude, and i went to                                                                                         our apartment but i got hit by a car and then i was in the                                                                                        hospital in a  full body cast and u and jaylen were there and u had a small box then i woke up

*uhhh, u okay?

*yeah im fine it was just a dream

*omg wait


*we shared an apartment in ur dream?




*I gtg im at the sk8 park w/ Danny

*mind if I come?

*U know ur way here?


*seeya here then!


I tucked my phone back into my backpack and told Danny that Isis will be here soon. 

   "Hahahaaa, haya purdy. Wanna... *hic* wanna have sum fuuunnn?" Said a slurred voice from behind me. I jumped up and saw a tall man with short brown hair. But he wasn't facing towards me.

    "HE-OWW-HELP" A strangled and muffled voice shouted. I ran over to to the man to see him pinning none other than Isis to a large tree.                                                                                                                                                                               


"AUGHHHH!!!" The man shouted, crouched on the ground holding his head. "YEAH *****!!!" I shouted. Oughtta teach you to touch my friend. I glared at him and he ran off. 

     "Isis! Are you okay?!?" I said, running up to her worriedly. "Yeah, *cough* i'm fine." She said standing up. "So, how bout some skating?" She asked.



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