A Nobody?

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Gwendolyn P.O.V 

              Everyone says I'm the nobody of the school. If you go to Seaside, at lunch you see me sitting near the garbage can with my friends. Well, let me tell you MY part. Ya know Z, right? Well, he dated my sister. 

                                                                                      -  3 years ago - 

                Z was at my sister's house, and I was doing some homework. Our parents obviously weren't home. Z and my sister were getting into an arguement, and when I finished my homework, I went into my room. 

                I began texting Nina about our school project. I was just about to send her a picture of my progress when I heard yelling. I got up and opened the door a crack so I could see.

          "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!" My sister screamed. I could only see a smidge, but I swore I saw Z holding a knife. He smiled.

           "You better do it NOW," Z yelled. My jaw dropped. Z seemed like this nice person the first time he came over for dinner, but he was doing this? I picked up to call my parents. I HAD to. As I was dialing, I heard my sister screaming. 

              "Gwen, what IS IT?" My mom said. Through the crack, I saw my sister with her face all jacked up. I dropped the phone. I immediatley opened the crack, and hopefully that was when Z had left. My sister was crying, and her face was all bloody. To make matters worse, I heard our window shatter. I went back to my room and picked up the phone.

              "Mom you need to come home NOW," I said. I was crying now.

          Z spread rumors about my sister, saying things like she was cheating. She told me the real story though, he wanted to do stuff, ya know, and she said no and he did that. She quickly became the laughing stock of the school and that resulted in my reputation getting even shabbier. So, that's why to this day, even in highschool I sit by the garbage can. Z only got probation, because the judges thought we were lying. My sister hasn't dated anyone since. 

          I always hated how people were rude to me even though I wasn't really doing anything. When I heard about how Z shot Zandra and Isis got all beat up, I felt the need to tell you this. Z hasn't done this only once, and I have a feeling he'll be in jail for a while now.       

          I guess now I'll be going back to being the nobody. Just know there's more to it than what you think.



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