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Zandra's POV

                After Danny tackled Z, some short and fat dude pulled him off of Z and pulled him off of the road. I tried desperately to take off the seatbelt that restrained me. I wanted so badly to just... just...HURT Z. Or somebody. 

       Z and some other guy that looked strangely familiar were walking towards the car, and my seatbelt was stuck, so I couldn't get up. I glanced over at Isis and saw her holding her leg, her face twisted in pain. Deep red blood was slowly oozing from beneath her hands. "I-Isis!" I yelped in surprise, leaning over to try to help her. Before I could reach out to her, a strong hand grasped the back of my shirt, yanking me up out of my seat, ripping the seat belt out of place. The stern grip pulled me through the car window, and I landed on the road with a thud. That thud was the back of my head against the asphalt of the dirty road.

         "Heh heh, ya comin whit us, girlie." A VERY familiar voice said.

 oh my GOD, UGH him.

           "ugh, Brandon..." I mumbled. Apparently, Z heard me. "Ohhoho? Ya know him?" He asked me slyly. I scoffed, which only earned me a good kick to the gut. I winced, but stayed quiet. "Yo, Brandon, you know this *****?" Z asked. "I dunno, lemme see er'" He said, walking over to me, holding Isis bridal style, but a hand firmly over her wound, daring her to move. As soon as he saw my face, his own went red and he tensed up. "YOU." He said through clenched teeth. "Oi, you mess whit my homeboy?" He asked me, a little angry by now. "Only cuz he messed with my homegirl." I replied, just as angrily. "Yo don't get no attitude whit me!" He said, giving me a harsh slap to the face. "I'll get my attitude straight soon as you start pronouncing with right." I said, quite ticked off. "Brand, you take that girl to the car, I got this one." Z said, turning to me with a smirk.

       Stay calm, deep breaths....   ...   ...

   Once Brandon started walking away, I propelled myself in-between Z's legs and past him, whiping myself around, only to come face-to-fist. I staggered backwards, but caught my balance fairly quickly and kicked him full force in the chest. Glad I wore leggings and a shirt under my dress under my dress. I took off my dress, leaving me in black leggings and a navy blue tank-top. I used the dress to tie Z's hands together. I kicked him real hard in the knee, and winced when I heard a clear snap. He fell on his bum and started weeping in agony. Meanwhile, I dashed over to where Brandon was walking leisurely over to a car with Isis. On my way over, I heard sirens in the distance. Thats right, Isis called the cops! I tripped while running, startling Brandon and causing him to turn around and pull a gun to my face.

       Wait, A GUN?!?

Before Brandon shot me,  a loud screech came from behind me. I looked over to see that short fat dude beating Danny up.

        Without even thinking, I got up and kicked Brandon, grabbing his gun and shooting the fat guy, wounding his arm, causing him to back off of Danny.

                But not before that fat guy shot me. A shot landed in the lower right area of my gut. I doubled over in pain. My vision went blurry. I could hear the faint sounds of sirens, screaming, and gunshots.It felt like I was underwater.  I felt someone pick me up. I looked u and saw the blurry face of a policeman. I smiled weakly before I passed out cold.



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