Chapter 29: First Day Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Suck it up!" Danielle said smirking.

Jessica gave her a weird look but concentrated on the rocks in front of her. She threw the first stick at the rock in front of her, but it missed and flew into a tree.

I had no clue how she managed to throw a stick into a tree when she was aiming at the ground.

She faked a laugh to try and clear the tension and tried again but failed.

She sighed heavily, '"this is stupid, I'm just not bothered today, that's all."

"MmmHmmm, okay honey," Danielle sassed.

Jessica didn't hear and stepped next to me. Chloe was next.

She was worse than Jessica! Her stick hit Caleb in the face, which Danielle, the boys (not including Caleb) and I all laughed at as she went red in the face. "Sorry, but this is stupid!" She said, and stood next to Jessica.

Zoe and Sophie had there go and they both missed the rocks just like Jessica and Chloe had. Perrie was next, and I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I didn't like her at all, not after what she did to Zayn.

She spread her legs a bit and got ready before she threw her first stick which hit the rock in front of her. Slowly, she moved onto the next rock and hit it again, then the next rock, then the next, then the next, until she hit of all the rocks, apart from the last, which she missed.

The boys clapped but with unsure looks on their faces. Danielle gave the 'not bad' face and I just stood there. I didn't want to clap, I didn't want to even react, because I knew that she was Beckitt's favourite in the school and I didn't like her one bit.

What was Zayn's opinion on Perrie? Did he even know it was Perrie who shot him? Did any of the boys? Of course not, they thought Perrie was just a singer from Little Mix, just a normal human being. She wasn't a normal human being though, she was worse. 

I really missed the boys. Were they even thinking of me? Did they miss me? I doubted it, but I did know that one day, we would meet again. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the school bell.

"Come on girl, lets go to training!" Chad called out to me.

I walked over to the group of boys who were waiting for me; Chad, James, Ethan, Caleb, Zac, Ian and Dylan, and we all laughed and talked together on our way to training.


I was in training with the boys and Jeff. We were all in pairs, and after a lot of arguing, I was put in a pair with Chad.

When I say arguing, it didn't include me, it included the boys, and when I say the boys, I meant Caleb, Ethan, Chad, Ian and Dylan. I had told them all that I'd take it in turns with them.

I could tell that these boys were going to be good friends.

Anyway, I was standing in front of Chad who was giving me a playful glare, which I returned.

"Alright, now that you're finally in your pairs, we can start!" Jeff announced, loudly. " Now, what I want you all to do, is... simply fight!

Chad looked at me with a confused look and I chuckled.

"Alrighty, guys. When I blow my whistle, you attack! I wanna see what you've got," Jeff turned to look at me and beamed, "but if your partner tells you to stop from the pain, you stop and start again!"

I glanced at Chad and gave him an evil grin, making him laugh in amusment, but still look scared. "What have I gotten myself into?" he sighed loudly, making the hall laugh.

"Don't hold back!" Jeff called out.

"Oh, I won't!" I said to myself.

Jeff blew his whistle and I ran towards Chad. When I got to him, I threw a punch, but he blocked it with his arm and to a step back. I stepped forward and threw more punches to his head, which he continued to block with his arms. Cutting him off guard, I hit him in his stomach, which made him bend forward in shock. Using this to my advantage, I hooked my foot behind his leg and kicked the back of his knee, which caused him fall onto the ground on his front. I then sat on his back and grabbed his arm into a lock, as well as his legs and held him like this until he shouted "Stop!"

I lifted myself off of him, but unexpectedly, he rolled me over and pinned me to the ground. His hands were holding my wrists beside my head and he smirked at me. "Never let your guard down!"

I smirked back at him, twisted my wrists so that they broke free from his grasp and help his instead, then rolled him back over so I was on top of him. "Good tip, you should try it yourself sometime!" 

I heared a laughing from above of me and when I glanced around, Jeff was watching us with a cheesy grin. "Did they teach you how to come up with comebacks in the KAA?"

"Nope, I had to learn that on my own," I stated as I stood up. I looked down at Chad who seemed impressed and gave him my hand, gesturing for him to take it, but instead, he grabbed it and pulled me down onto the floor as he got up. I pushed myself up onto the balls of my feet and brought my fists in front of me, mirroring Chad's position. 

"Lets do this!" Chad wooped enthusiastically.

"I wouldn't be too excited if I were you!" I sang playfully.

He ran towards me and I crouched down onto the floor, threw out my leg and span it in front of me so I tripped Chad over. He saw my move and jumped over my leg and threw his foot towards my face. However, I grabbed it and yanked it upwards, causing him to fall down. I went to punch him, but he rolled away, making me punch the floor.

My hand suddenly filled up with pain and I winced. I probably broke a knuckle, but I ignored the pain, as I had always been taught to do, and prepared myself for Chad's attack.

He saw that I had flinched and asked, "you okay there, Birdy?"

"Peachy!" I sighed and ran towards him. I jumped when I got quite close and swung my leg out, kicking him in the chest. He fell backwards a little bit and I kicked again, but this time I span my body around kicked his face.

"OW!" He hissed, but grinned.

This was when I realised that Ian and Dylan (who were a pair) and Ethan and Caleb (who were also a pair) were watching. I focused my attention on Chad and smirked. He ran towards me and I span around and ran from from him, probably confusing him because I was running towards the gym wall. Once I was close enoughed, I pushed myself off the floor and ran up the wall, pushed myself backwards with my legs, backflipping, and landed on my feet behind Chad. He didn't have anytime to turn around before I tripped him over and locked him again, holding his wrists in my hand and his legs under my arm.

"Give up?" I asked smirking and gripping his limbs harder.

He was wiggling about and struggled to hiss, "NEVER!"

I tugged on his legs, making him grunt in pain, "Now?" I asked innocently.


I yanked harder yet again and he groaned louder. "Now?"

He didn't reply. I began to get a little impatient so I tugged harder and he suddenly yelled out, "STOP! OKAY, I SURRENDER, JUST STOP!"

I let him go and stood up, giving him my hand again. He got up and I saw that his face was red and I instantly felt bad. "Shit, was I going too hard on you?" I asked with concern.

He breathed in deeply, exhaled and then grinned at me, "I'm fine, seriously! It's good to finally get a challenge around here."

"Okay," I chucked and gave him a quick hug before I glanced around so see all the boys in the class and Jeff watching. He cracked a smile. I walked away as the bell went, indicating it was time to leave, so instead of facing all the boys, I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door, heading to my apartment to get my broken hand sorted out.

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