Pool Sex

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A/N:This is a strange chapter to me ALSO song at top helped me write this not porn
Vanna POV
I woke up and noticed Andrew was gone but then I found a note saying he was just out with Derek so I decided to get dressed go shopping.
So I got in my car and drove to the mall and went inside Forever 21 looking through clothes and picked out some stuff then I found this really cute bathing suit and when I was done searching I went to get coffee and some food

Andrew POV
When I came home Vanna was gone so then I found a note saying she went to the mall so then I thought while she's gone I can do that pony video people keep asking me to do. So then I searched up "Poney Challenge" and when I found some I got an image of what it is so then I set my camera up and got ready.
Once I was ready I got the chair and started grinding as the music started then soon I felt eyes on me and looked up and Vanna was just looking at me as she bit her lip.
"Like what you see?" I said smirking and she just looked at me "Uhh" was a she could say so I walked over to her and I could tell she was just staring at my chest since I was shirtless. So then I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me.
I pulled her over to the chair and sat her down and then I started doing some Magic Mike shit and I soon heard her moan and I started laughing and she slapped my arm and left.
Vanna POV
God Andrew is so childish like omg I'll get him back for that so I smirked thinking and I walked upstairs and put on my new bathing suit and got my stuff to go swimming and when I walked downstairs Andrew looked at me with lust in his eyes and soon he started licking his lips and looking at me up and down and I smiled.
"Wanna go swimming?" I asked and he didn't answer he just kept staring at me then I snapped and he answered "oh uhh sure" he stuttered then went to get changed and when he came back I could a see bulge through his swim shorts and smirked.
"Okay let's get it" Andrew said clapping his hands so then we walked to the back and went to the pool (my house has its own pool ;)   I walked down the stairs and Andrew being himself he jumped and splashed me so I glared at him when he came back up "oh come on babe" he pulled me close to him and attacked my neck and instantly finding my sweet spot as I moaned his name "Oh Andrew should we be doing that here?" He just laughed and looked at me "Oh come on Vanna it's a private pool" then he lifted me on the edge and slipped his hand in my swimsuit and started rubbing  my clit and he went faster and faster until I came. "Oh Andrew" I moaned and he smirked "You like that?" I nodded and the next thing I know me and Andrew are naked fucking in a pool. Andrew thrusted into me and I came close to my second orgasm I soon came and he came right after pulling out. God his pull out game was strong and I loved it.
We then went back inside and Andrew got a text from Nick asking if we wanted to hang out later and he told him yes. Then we went upstairs to shower and Andrew looked at me and winked "Round two?"

A/N:Idk if that was good or bad

My boyfriend Andrew FontenotWhere stories live. Discover now