Welcome home

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Andrew POV
As soon as me and Vanna got home the babies woke up but it was weird because they weren't crying just yawning so we then we got out and Vanna got Emilia and I got Mikey and when we walked in everyone was there to see the babies and there was a welcome home sign and the smile on Vanna's face was just amazing then our moms walked over and Mrs.Hairston took Mikey and Mrs.Fontenot took Emilia smiling then I laughed because Vanna stretched yawning so I pulled her close to me "Happy their finally out?" I asked and she nodded we then walked over to our friends smiling and laughing then soon the babies were crying so Vanna took one and I took one and we walked upstairs and changed them then she fed one as I rocked the other then switched and once she was done we put them in their cribs when they were sleep.
Vanna POV
Once the babies were sleep we went downstairs to rejoin everyone else then my mom wanted to make an announcement and I sighed "Okay Vanna and Andrew you guys have been dating since Junior year and y'all have been through thick and thin and now y'all are parents we just wanted to tell you how proud we are of you guys" she said and everyone was clapping "Thank you guys" I said I was super tired so I let them know I was heading up to bed.
The next thing I know Andrew was walking in letting me know they left and he smiled "I'll take tonight when they wake up" he said I smiled "I have to fix them up some bottles" I said and he nodded so I then fixed them their bottles and wrote their names on them putting them in their rooms "Okay so Andrew here's Emilia's pacifier and here's Mikey's pacifier" I told him and he nodded then we head back to bed and I was knocked out immediately.
A/N:No Andrew didn't knock her out

My boyfriend Andrew FontenotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu