Night Club

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A/N:Since Andrew is petty and changes the songs I just put "Kiss Land" for this chapter 

Andrew POV
After Vanna told me Nick and Taco Bell were dating I was in shock but soon was able let go of that jealous feeling that she was gonna take her but then Vanna said Taco Bell wanted to go to night club so we got ready because we were leaving soon so I put on my white shirt with black sleeves and black jeans with a beanie then Vanna put on black jeans that made her ass look great and a tight black shirt and we soon left for the night club.
At the club (TURN UP)
We soon arrived to the club and it was loud and lit we soon saw Taco Bell and Nick dancing and she was grinding on him so we decided to just say hey later then when a new song started it was Kiss Land by The Weeknd I grabbed Vanna's hand a dragged her to the dance floor and we danced and I hit the whip and she laughed and when she started twerking all guys were looking she soon noticed and then started dancing on me and god it was sexy then the song ended and we went to find Taco Bell and Nick to say goodbye
We soon left and Vanna got hungry so we stopped by Popeyes and went inside once we got our food we sat down and I couldn't stop looking at her then someone walked in that bastard so I got up and walked over to him and punched him in the jaw and the next thing I know I'm beating his ass and Vanna was pulling me off....

A/N:Who was he beating up?

My boyfriend Andrew FontenotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora