Up All night

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A/N:Tired Andrew
Andrew POV
I woke up to one of the twins crying and to my surprise Vanna was gone so I assumed she was with them so I got up and she was feeding Mikey and Emilia was crying "Mind grabbing her bottle?" She asked and I nodded "Come here baby girl" I said picking her up feeding her I yawned and so did Vanna. The twins wouldn't go back to sleep so we just sat in the rocking chairs and they soon fell asleep and so did we.
I woke up to a crying Emilia and I soon got up "shhh" I said she was starting calm down so I then realized she dropped her pacifier so I picked it up and walked to the bathroom to wash it off when I walked back to their room Vanna was awake with a crying Mikey in her arms I sighed and put Emilia down in her crib and took Mikey from Vanna and soon put him to sleep we then sat down as the babies were finally asleep "We need to create them a schedule" Vanna said looking at me "What do you mean?" I asked "Like you know create one for Emilia to estimate the times she'll wake up and do the same for Mikey" she explained and I just nodded yawning "What time is it?" I asked and she looked at the clock "omg it's 6:00am" she said "wanna try to sleep?" I asked and she nodded so we headed to bed and was instantly asleep.
Vanna POV
I woke up and looked at the clock it was 8:00am so I got up and checked on the twins they were still sleep so I grabbed a baby monitor and headed downstairs yawning I went into the kitchen and started to fix me and Andrew something to eat and once I finished he walked downstairs smiling and giving me a kiss on the cheek "Morning beautiful" he said "morning Andrew" I replied we then sat down and ate until the babies started crying so we rushed upstairs and fed them Andrew had Mikey and I had Emilia "Wanna take them downstairs?" He asked and I nodded so we walked downstairs and put them in this rocking chair that played music and closed the cover soon they were sleep and we sighed "Finally" I said and Andrew nodded laughing then Nick and Derek came over they said the girls had work and I told them I did too pointing to the twins then we all laughed the guys stayed for awhile until they left then me and Andrew decided to take a nap before the twins would wake up again.
A/N:I love babies

My boyfriend Andrew FontenotWhere stories live. Discover now