"How did you know?" I ask.

"Remember that day we all went to the doctors appointment? And Sebastian ran out of the clinic as if he's just been burnt?" She asks.

I nod. That day was weird.

"That's because he touched this." Vanessa says as she picks up her keys from the coffee table and shows the purple flower attached to it.

"What is that?"

"Wolfsbane. It's a werewolf's kryptonite. One touch and it gives them the equivalent of a third degree burn." She says proudly.



"But why do you have it? How did you know it would work?"

"I wasn't testing him, it was all purely accidental." She says with a shrug.

"But how did you know..."

"Doesn't matter, I just know. And now that you know we can discuss how the hell we're going to get you out of this place without Sebastian ever finding you or the baby."

I gasp as a realization settles into me.

"The baby... It's going to be a werewolf too!" I exclaim as I stand up abruptly.

"Don't worry, we can deal with that once you give birth. We can-"

"Nuh uh."


"I'm not giving birth to it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not giving birth to a werwolf! I don't even want it growing inside me!" I yell, getting more freaked by the thought of having an actual wolf growing inside me.

"I want it out! I want it out. I want it out!" I cry as my rant turns into a full blown panic attack.

"Lia, oh my God calm down. Lia? Oh God!" I hear Vanessa yell before I lose consciousness.


"...She's scared Sebastian. You need to calm down."

"Calm down, she was thinking about killing my child!"

I scream when I see a cart fly into the room and land near the window on the other side.

Dr.Redding runs in with an angry Sebastian behind her.

"Lia? Are you alright?"

"The cart!" I say, pointing to the damaged equipment.

"Yes, I'm afraid Mr.Steele is a bit upset."

"Upset? She tried to kill my child, Mary!"

"No she didn't! She was scared and terrified because you went and shifted in front of her! You imbecile!" Dr.Redding chastises before checking my pulse.

"How else was I supposed to get her to believe me?" Sebastian growls.

"Change your eyes! You don't shift in front of a pregnant woman!"

"That doesn't give her the right to want to kill my child. I blame her roommate. If That little hunt-"

"Vanessa had nothing to do with it, she was the one who brought her here."

A tear slips down my face when I realize what I was thinking about doing before I ended up here. Oh God, what is wrong with me?

I've never supported abortion my entire life and now suddenly I want to have one? What is wrong with me? I was going to kill my own child! Sebastian's child!

"I'm sorry." I say quietly, thinking they won't hear me but they do.

"Sorry isn't enough." Sebastian growls, his eyes turning yellow.

So I hadn't imagined it.

"I'll do anything, I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking straigh-"

"So you thought about getting rid of my child?" He snarls.

"No! Yes, I-I was scared." I say meekly.

"You're lucky you are still caring my child or I would-"

"Enough! You, out now!" Dr.Redding yells at Sebastian. He sends one last glare my way before stalking out of the room.

"I'm sorry about him." Dr.Redding apologizes.

"No, he has the right to be angry. I was thinking about killing his child. That wasn't right, I'd act the same if roles were switched."

"Still, he shouldn't have talked to you like that. You're the mother of his child. If he weren't stronger than me I'd smack him."

I chuckle lightly before something occurs to me.

"Dr.Redding, earlier you said something about him changing his eyes and shifting. Does that mean you know what he is. What our child is going to be?"

"Yes, I'm a werewolf as you know."

"What?" I ask in alarm as I lean away from her.

"Relax Lia, I'm not going to hurt you. Contrary to popular belief, werewolves don't go out and kill people for no reason. We also don't eat humans for dinner, that'd be some weird version of cannibalism. We eat meat, just not human meat.... Or wolf meat, that'd be actual cannibalism." Dr.Redding explains in a matter-of-fact tone.

I blush and smile sheepishly as I begin to relax.


"Yeah, so I suggest you get used to the idea of being around werewolves because you're going to be raising one."

"Is that why you're my doctor?"

"Yes, see being pregnant with a werewolf is way different than being pregnant with a human. At first it'll feel normal, with all the usual cravings and morning sickness, but once you reach six months things will start to change. For one the baby will be bigger and heavier, it will move around more and you'll be able to see its movements on your skin. You'll start to get stronger on full moons and you're craving for raw meat will increase dramatically. And your energy will be drained almost all the time so stop fainting so much. The more energy you lose now the harder it is going to be for you to carry the baby full term. Do you understand me?"

I nod vigorously at Dr.Redding's explanation.

"Thank you for telling me all that. Um, Dr.Redding do you know where Vanessa is?"

"Ooh yeah, she left the hospital after Sebastian forbid her from coming near your room."

"Why would he do that?" I exclaim.

"That's something else to ask him... And her." Dr.Redding says wearily as she begins to leave the room.

"Oh and Lia?" She starts to say just as she's out the door. I look up at her.


"Give Sebastian a chance. I know it may seem impossible now, but he's really not that bad. I think you guys would be good for each other."

"Oh I don't know."

She shrugs. "Just something to think about."

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