2. Zerrie

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2 months later....

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUMS!" Perrie woke up the girls who were sleeping in their hotel room soundly.

"Perrie its like three in the morning." Leigh-Anne said in her raspy morning voice.

"I know! But Zayn's plane finally arrives in ten minutes who wants to come with me?" Perrie said jumping on her bed.

"Not me."




"Okay one... two... three-

"Not it!"

"Not it."

"Not it."

"Jade you were last you have to come with me!" Perrie pulled Jade off the bed.


"Oh my good ness they are almost here! Jay how do I look?" Perrie asked Jade excitedly.

"Beautiful as always." She smiled. "Can I go now?"


Jade sighed.

'Bing' "Flight 69 has now landed.''

"THAT'S HIS FLIGHT!" Perrie screamed.

"Shut up people can hear you." Jade covered Perrie's mouth.

"I can't help myself. I haven't seen him in months!"

"Well okay. Look isn't he right there." Jade pointed at one of the doors opening revealing Zayn.

"ZAYN!" Perrie ran after him.

"PERRIE!" Zayn dropped his luggage and ran towards her.

They both collapse into eachother and hugged each other really tight.

"I missed you so much Zayn."

"I missed you even more babe." Butterflies took over Perrie's and Zayn's  stomach  before they both leaned in closing the gap between them.

"Awe how cute." Jade smiled walking towards the happy couple when they went apart.

"Hey Jaders." Zayn hugged Jade and Jade the same.

"Hey Zayn." She smiled.

The boys came behind Jade scaring her. "Ah What was that for?"

"Grumpy much," Harry laughed. "Nice to see you again Jade." Harry hugged Jade then went over to Perrie.

"Guys." Jade did a little wave Louis, Niall, and Liam.

"How was all your flights?" Perrie asked the boys while Paul was putting their luggage inside the black van.

"It made me hungry." Niall replied first.

"It made me tired." Next Liam.

"It made me sleepy." Then Harry.

"It made me noxious." Louis.

"It made me so anxious to see you."  And finally Zayn.

Perrie giggled while Zayn kissed her cheek.

"Let's go, I need some sleep." Jade entered the car first.


Should I keep updating?                                                                          

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