First Impressions

Start from the beginning


"No, it's fine. I could see why you wouldn't think I'm ready. Since you've hardly taught me anything in the last month." The teen said, rather dismissively. His sea green eyes were annoyed, yet Levi could see his words had hurt. Shit. 

"Anyway, I hope you're doing well. With whatever you're doing with yourself." Eren said, and Levi felt instant shame as Eren's eyes were obvious to the fact that he'd clearly not been doing anything to really prevent him from helping him. His eyes seemed to pierce through his dark shades, judging his red eyes that clearly ratted him out. "Hanji, I'm off to get dressed. Any particular thing I should wear?"

"Just ask Petra to grab your outfit." Hanji beamed as Levi sat in ashamed silence."I'll see you soon, kiddo."

"Alright. Bye Hanji, later Levi."

Eren's heart was pounding as he closed the door. He was a total dick to Levi, and they both knew it. He had no idea what came over him. Sure, he was annoyed that Levi had completely ignored him for almost a month, but that was no need for him to be so cruel. Flustered, he made his way back stage, where Petra and a few of the other dancers were prepping for their showcases.

Petra gave him a huge smile once she caught a glimpse of him peeking in the room, skipping up to him. "Eren! It's your first show tonight, isn't it exciting?"

"Yeah, it is." Eren said, trying to feign a smile. "I'm just so nervous, Petra."

"I was too, on my first night. It's natural to be nervous, but you've improved so much, Eren! You'll do great, I promise you."

Eren just remembered Levi's rather harsh words, but tried to push them out of his mind as he nodded. "You're right."

"Now come on, silly. Let's get you dressed."

Levi took his martini to a distant seat near the bar as one of the other dancers finished up their routine. He sipped on his with disdain, rather sick of himself after his encounter with Eren. He was really such a douchebag, and he knew it. He had been avoiding Eren, and they both knew it. He glanced at some of the posters in the club, promoting a new dancer, thought not specifying who it was. It had generated a good amount of buzz, as the club was pretty busy for a Thursday night.

As the music died out and the dancer on stage cleared the floor, Levi didn't make a point to turn and face Erwin as he began introducing the newest dancer, zoning out for a few moments while the blonde spoke. Levi was just caught in his self loathing circle, thinking about how he really could have done things differently. Instead of hiding behind his friendly flask, like always, he should have at least told Eren he needed space to get his shit together. A familiar name dragged his thoughts back to reality.

"Please welcome to our stage, Bright Eyes!"

Levi slowly turned toward the front as the lights dimmed, the smooth beats of the song beginning to pour into his eardrums. A maroon light shone on the stage as the young man stepped out to the beat of Hazey, a song he recognized by Glass Animals.

Eren's heart felt like it might suffocated him, it was pumping like crazy. He willed himself to calm down and breath, and focus on the beat.

Command the attention. Be the center of attention. Don't force it too much; be inviting, yet elusive.

Eren's hat was tilted slightly, a navy police hat covering his left eye while his green eyes sparkled under the spotlight as he continued slowly moving to the song, his navy blue gloves soon grasping the pole as he slowly made his way around it.

"Your baby's falling, You know I'm talking now

You know I'm dancing, You know I'm racing round...."  

Eren slowly started to whip his hips around in a circle, his abdomen partially exposed with his half buttoned navy blue shirt. They decided to go with a police officer vibe for Eren, which he felt was totally cliche, but he just went with it. As he moved slowly around the pole, he gave a slight glance to the audience. Most of the attendees were watching him with a level of curiosity, but one pair of slightly red eyes caught his attention out of all those in the room.


Catching a glimpse of those steely grey eyes made Eren want to seize up, but he knew better. Especially after what Levi had said just a little while ago. 

I'll show you who's not ready, Eren hissed in his head, moving as the beat began to pick up in speed. 

  "Come back baby, don't you cry
Don't you drain those big blue eyes
I've been crawling

Come back baby, don't you cry
Just you say the reason why
I can calm you..."

Eren's whole torso moved like a smooth whip against the cool metal, his new objective clear in his mind. He was going to make Levi eat his words. As the next verse began, Eren grinded closer and closer to the ground, letting his movements take on a sexier, rougher edge.

  "You say I'm bawling
I say I'm begging while
You take my photo
I fake my breaking smile
I'm fucking loco

I can't get through to you
You turn your nose, you
Spark up and I can go..."

He moved his body all along the pole,taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair as he did so. That illicit a few cheers and whistles, his eyes narrowed yet still sparkling with pure mischief. As the bars of the chorus began to play, Eren turned his gaze to Levi, their eyes matching as he danced the last few lyrics. He tilted his head and gave his lip a bite, not breaking eye contact with the other male as he danced, his slim yet muscled body began to grind its way down the pole. 

Levi's eyebrows were slightly raised, but his expression was as unreadable as ever. Eren didn't pay that any mind, more focused on his own expressions than Levi's. As the song began to come to a close, Eren made it a point to run his hands all over his body, in a teasing yet inviting way.

The invite was only really offered to one person. And Eren knew he was going to take it.

Author's Note:


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