First Impressions

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"I'm going to what?"

Hanji clapped in excitement as the brunette gave her a bewildered stare. It was a few hours before the Survey was scheduled to open for the night, and Hanji had decided to lay this news on Eren now

Should have listened to Levi, Eren mentally grumbled as he stared at the older woman. Hanji is really insane.

"Yes! I've put you on the dance block for tonight!" Hanji was obviously much more excited about this prospect than Eren was. "Petra told me that you two had been practicing, so I figured I would go on and give you a chance to perform. You've been here long enough, yeah?"

While Eren didn't necessarily agree with Hanji's decision, she had a point. He'd been there for almost four months now with September rolling in. It was a wonder that no one bothered to try and track him down after all this time. He was certain he'd missed several of his remaining high school duties. His diploma was still at school, most likely. Either way, Hanji had a point. 

Though, he had no idea what dance he would even showcase tonight.

"How am I supposed to prepare to dance tonight? I have cleaning to do and--"

"Sh!" Hanji's finger cut him off, and Eren immediately fell silent. "My mind is made up, you're dancing tonight!" 

With that decree, Hanji bounced off to another part of the club. Eren groaned, a pure rush of nervous energy wracking his body.

He was going to be dancing. No, stripping. He was certainly excited to exhibit his newfound talent, but at the same time the uncertain self consciousness was  still around to gnaw at his mind. He took a breath as he moved from his spot at the bar, making his way down to Levi's studio for some last minute practicing.

Levi walked into the club an hour before opening, yawning as he sipped on a suspicious liquid in an equally suspicious cup, his dark shades covering his bloodshot eyes. He was a tad hungover, much better from how off kilter he'd been this morning. Between his dad and his own issues, Levi had taken to drowning his focus in liquid courage. He sighed and grumbled as he pushed his way to Hanji's office. 

"Levi!" A cheery brunette's voice called out upon the short man entering. "Long time no see! Have a seat!"

"Could you be any louder, Hanji?" Levi growled, nursing down whatever was in his paper cup. 

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. Tonight is Eren's first showcase so I'm pretty excited. You've been working with him, haven't you?"

Levi's eyes shot up to Hanji, eye brows furrowed under his oversized shades. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, he's dancing tonight."

"No way. He's not ready. Hanji, you're crazy if you think that kid is going to be able to handle a showcase this early on."

"This early on? It's been four months, Levi."

"So? This isn't some janky club, Han. He's going to flounder out there and we're going to look bad." Levi snarled.

"I'll make sure you don't look bad, Levi."

Shit, Levi thought, once that fierce yet innocent voice reached his ears. He glanced over to Eren, who was now standing in the doorway of Hanji's office. When did this brat get a tan? His bronzed skin was spotted with slightly darker inflections in his skin, the small patches of freckles gathered on his shoulders were cute and dainty, decorating the smooth, toned skin underneath. The kid's muscles had certainly began to fill out; how did this happen? It seemed like in a matter of three weeks, Eren's whole body chemistry had changed.

Stripper Poles (Ereri/Riren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang