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blue foundation - eyes on fire

" I'm not scared of your stolen power, I see right through you any hour "

" I'm not scared of your stolen power, I see right through you any hour "

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At school the next day, I was very quiet around my friends. I couldn't look at Scott without seeing glowing eyes and giant fangs. I couldn't look at Allison without seeing blood-covered hands. I couldn't look at Lydia without seeing a homicidal beast that killed for sport. There was no way it could be her, it just wasn't in her nature. But all the signs pointed to her. I didn't want to believe Derek but the rational side of me saw exactly where he was coming from.

"Are you alright, Rose?" Stiles asked as we walked to lunch together.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sure," I said, snapping back to reality and pretending like I heard what he said.
"What's up? You've barely said anything all day,"
"I'm fine. Just...distracted,"
"By what?"
"Oh, you know. The usual. One of my friends is a werewolf, one of them is a monster hunter with a serial killer for a aunt and another might be a vicious killer who rips doors off cars before mauling its victim to death. Oh, and my school is run by a corrupt monster hunter who wants to carry out a genocide of all supernatural creatures, including me, and also happens to be the grandfather of one of my best friends," I thought.
"What?!" Stiles cried. I stopped, frozen to the spot.
"I said that out loud, didn't I,"
"Uh, yeah! Who told you?"
"...Derek," I muttered. How did I manage to let everything slip so easily? If I was that much of a liability, my friends might never trust me with anything ever again.
"Fuck, why does he have to always do everything his own way?" Stiles groaned, pulling me into an empty corridor to avoid anyone overhearing.
"Please don't tell Scott that I know! Or anyone else!"
"I've got to! They need to know!"
"Please, I'm begging you!"
"...fine," He sighed. "What did he want in return?"
"How do you know he wanted something?"
"Derek doesn't do anything out of the kindness of his heart. He's always got some other agenda to benefit himself,"
"He wanted to know what D'Angelo told me at the hospital,"
"He said he wanted to help,"
"That can't be it. There's no way he would do something just to be helpful. That's not how he works, especially now he's an alpha,"
"Maybe it is. And he doesn't have to have some sort of alternate motive. Maybe he's just curious,"
"No, no, that's definitely not it,"
"If you say so,"
"Just please don't tell anyone. If you do, Derek will kill me,"
"No he won't. He's secretly a big softie, even if he's also a selfish, manipulative sourwolf,"
"Like sourpuss, but with-"
"Ah, I get it. Pretty good,"
"I know right? Wait a second, stop distracting me! I've got to tell Scott, we can't keep any secrets from him. He's the only one who really knows what he's doing and if we start hiding things then it might jeopardise everything he's worked for,"
"I know. He'll find out eventually, or he'll tell me and I'll pretend to be surprised and it can all go back to normal. Just please, please don't say anything right now,"
"Okay, okay! I'll keep my mouth shut. But if Scott finds out I'm not covering for Derek! He's done nothing to deserve my help,"
"Thank you," I smiled. "Now, come on. I'm hungry and there's lasagna for lunch,"
"You like the school lasagna? You must be crazy,"
"I'm not picky when it comes to lasagna,"

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