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the neighbourhood - w.d.y.w.f.m

" maybe you're right, and maybe this is all that I can be "

" maybe you're right, and maybe this is all that I can be "

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I barely slept the previous night. My thoughts were completely occupied. I had to apologise to Nathan and pray that he would give me another chance, even though the odds didn't look to favourable. I also had no way of contacting other than face-to-face since the pool had destroyed my phone completely.

There was also another thing on my mind. Once we found someone who could translate whatever language the Bestiary was written in, maybe it could tell me the question I'd been asking myself for weeks: what am I?

In all the commotion of the last few days I'd completely forgotten about my promise to visit D'Angelo, so I asked Deaton if I could take the morning off school to see him.

"Hey," I smiled, entering the hospital room to see him awake.
"Hey! It's so great to see you. It gets pretty lonely in here,"
"I know, I'm sorry I haven't visited you sooner. Things have been...hectic, to say the least,"
"It's fine, don't worry," He chuckled as I took a seat at the foot of his bed. "You've started a new life here, of course things are going to be kind of busy at first,"
"Something tells me they won't get less busy any time soon," I said cryptically. "But, to apologise for not seeing you more, I brought you a present," I fished around in my bag and brought out a neatly wrapped gift.
"That's so nice of you, Rosie. You didn't have to,"
"I wanted to. Now, open it!" I said excitedly, readjusting my seat. He tore open the packaging to reveal a DVD.
"'When Harry Met Sally'! Oh my God, this is amazing! This was our favourite movie, remember?" He was almost ecstatic.
"Not...exactly. But when I saw it, I was reminded of you. I thought that had to mean something, so I decided to get it for you,"
"This is the best present ever," He grinned, pulling me into a bear hug. It felt so familiar, so normal. Like everything was just right.

"I'm sorry, I've got to get to school. But how about next time I visit we watch this thing?" I said, rising from the bed.
"Sure! I'm already looking forward to it," As I left the room, I realised something. He was barely wearing any dressing as opposed to the heavy bandages he wore last time I saw him.
"What happened to all the bandages?" I asked curiously from the doorway.
"I don't need them anymore. Soon enough I'll be ready to go to school, like you," The glitter in his eyes was clear and I felt a sense of nostalgia. He was just like me when I first arrived. Excited to go to school and be a normal teenager.
"That's great! There's some people I'd really like you to meet. Anyway, see you!" I left the room quickly, guilt and pity filling me. He wants to be a normal teenager, but he never would be. And neither would I.

I arrived back at school just in time for Econ. Everyone was just entering the classroom so I followed the crowd in. I wanted desperately to look for Nathan and apologise but I'd only been at the school for a short amount of time and getting into trouble definitely wasn't in my best interest.

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