Why do people want to kill me today?!

"Who are you?" The woman who happens to be holding a gun to my face asks.

"Uh, I'm Lia T-Taylor. Um w-who are you?" I ask nervously.

"Shut up! I ask the questions. Who do you work for? Who sent you here?" She asks.

"Wh-what are you talking about I don't work for anyone. I'm a teacher's assistant!" I exclaim.

"How stupid do you think I am, bitch?" She asks.

"I don't think you're stupid at all."

"That was rhetorical!" She yells as she presses the gun to my forehead.

"Aah! Please don't shoot me! I'm pregnant!" I beg as tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

I hiccup mid cry as fear starts to set in that I'm going to die in this house while pregnant. My baby will never get a chance to take its first breath, it will never get to walk on this Earth. Oh my God. No, this is not how I'm going to go down.

"You're pregnant?" She asks as she peers down at my stomach.

I nod vigorously, hoping that she'll let me go if I'm pregnant.

"Huh, too bad it won't ever see the light of day." She says as she clicks the bullet into place.

"NO!" I yell. "Please, I cane here with Sebastian, he left me in the upstairs room and I came down looking for him. I swear I don't work for anybody! I'm caring his child." I plead as the dam that holds my tears back collapses and the flood overflows.

"You're with Sebastian?" She asks.

I nod.

"Well why didn't you just say so." She says casually as she puts the gun down.

I fall to my knees and try to get a hold of myself.

This psychopathic bitch! She was willing to kill me and my unborn child and now with the knowledge that I'm carrying Sebastian's child she's going to act all casual!

Why the fuck does she even have a gun?! And why is she in his house?! Assuming this is even his house.

"Look, I'm sorry I thought you were someone else, you can stop crying. Jeez." She says, heading over to the counter and spreading cheese onto her crackers which I guess she was doing before I came down.

"You tried to kill me and my unborn child!" I scream.

"Calm down would you, I said I was sorry. Move on. "

"Move on? You try to kill me and you expect me to just move on?! I could have you arrested!"

The woman rolls her eyes before biting into her cracker and moaning. "Mm, this is so good! Want some?"

I glare at her.

"Okay, sheesh someone's a little grumpy."


I whip my head around to see Sebastian entering the kitchen, but he's not wearing the same clothes he was wearing earlier, he's dressed in all black now and he has a black duffle bag in his hand.

"What's going on? Why are you crying?" He asks, coming closer to me which only makes me step back.

"You're psycho roommate tried to kill me!" I yell, pointing at the girl who is still eating.

"What? I said I was sorry, not my fault she holds grudges."

"Callia I thought I told you I was bringing her here?"

"I didn't know you meant today. Sheesh, I make one mistake." She exclaims as she grabs her plate of food and begins to walk out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room, I don't think your girlfriend likes me." She stops and looks back at me but I only glare at her. She rolls her eyes and mumbles "Humans." before walking out.

"I'm sorry about her, she's-"

"Crazy, yeah she is!" I yell.

"I was going to say not compassionate but sure." He says as he shrugs.

"Can you just take me home? Please?"

"I will. My intention was never to keep you here. I just needed to know you would be safe. I was dealing with something, and I just needed to know you'd be okay while I was gone."

"You could have told me that! You didn't have to kidnap me!" I yell.

"I did not kidnap you. And if I had told you that I was taking you to my place you would have thought it was a ploy to get you in my bed."

I cross my arms and frown knowing that he's right, but still.

"Look, I will take you home now."

"Thank you."

"But first,"

"Ugh, what now?!" I whine.

"Will you go on date with me?"

"Are you insane?! You kidnap me, bring me to your house where your whoever the hell that was tries to kill me with a gun and you want me to go on a date with you?! HA! Funny, I needed that laugh, now take me home." I deadpan.

"I did not kidnap you and Callia apologized."

"That doesn't matter! She was willing to kill a pregnant woman! Doesn't that bother you?!"

"No." He answers seriously.

I shake my head.

"No, I can't deal with anymore craziness. Jus take me home. Take me home NOW." I state seriously.

Sebastian shakes his head before finally giving in and taking me home.

When we get there, I don't waste time in running out of the car and into my apartment building where I can be safe and protected from that psych son of a bitch and his psycho roommate.

Oh God Lia, what did you get yourself into?

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