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Harry laid out the papers on the table. Niall stood at his side and he laughed a little bit. He picked up one of the magazines and he smiled. There was a wedding magazine and the portion of them were also about gay-marriage.

"So it seriously?"

Harry nodded happily. He stood behind Nialls back and took his arms around him. He put his chin against Nialls chin.

"I thought we'd plan all together..."

Niall flipped a bit in the paper, and he came to a page with a picture of two guys who stood by the altar. He smiled amusing a little.

"Maybe we should find a priest who accept it?"

Harry smiled big and kissed him lightly on the neck.

"I have already found a priest."

Niall put down the magazine and he looked a little bit at Harry.

"But we would plan it together?" He said it teasingly.

"Yes?" Harry mumbled hoarsely. "But priests don't grow on trees, and you'll like him."

Niall trusted Harry and he nodded a little bit.

"And the date?"

Harry laughed a little and let his hands slide down over Nialls stomach.


Niall frowned.

"Seriously, Harry, when?"

Harry kissed him around the neck and he let his hands landing between his legs. Niall groaned and tried to get away, but Harry held him tight.

"I want you in the room." Harry mumbled hoarsely. "Bind you and take you hard."

Niall giggled.

"Harry not now!"


Niall lay on his back and his hands and his feet were stuck. Harry sat between his legs, and he moved quickly on the body. Niall squealing high.

"Why do we always land in bed?"

Harry groaned and he leaned over him. A hand on each side of Nialls head and he smiled foggy.

"Because we are interdependent."

Harry groaned. Harry moved faster and faster. Their breath landed somewhere in the fog. The bed was fixed to the floor, but it sounded as if it was moved.

"Oh Niall I love you." Harry mumbled hoarsely. He looked down at what was happening down there, and he smiled big. "I was born to be inside you."

Niall moved his head. He wanted to take the legs around Harry, but they were tied.

"Why must I be fixed?"

Harry groaned.

"Because then you are totally mine."

Niall whimpered and opened her eyes. He looked straight at Harry.

"I am totally yours already."

Harry landed on top of Niall and he started to kiss him desperately. They landed near the border between reality and dream. Niall couldn't hold back and he came. Harry couldn't hold back and immediately he filled the Irishman.


Niall lay on the bed. He watched as Harry took out a cleaning agent for all that as they had used and he smiled a little bit.

"So it's about owning me total?"

Harry spun around and he smiled at Niall,

"I know I own you as much as you own me, but when I have you stuck in bed, I feel it throughout my hole body. It's like I need it and I can't stop once I've started."

Niall chose not to discuss whether it was right or wrong, he had felt the same feeling when Harry was tied in the same way.

"Okay, but just to let you know about it, I also want to be the one who takes control of you."

Harry nodded and he went up to the bed. He set down his cleaning things on the floor and then he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"When we have said yes in church maybe we can drop this room." he whispered hoarsely. "Then I know that nothing can come between us."

Niall was tired but he kept himself awake.

"I look forward to it."

Harry smiled, leaned toward him and kissed his cheek.

"Me too."

Niall smiled and he watched Harry's face carefully.

"And then maybe we can plan how we are going to have children?"

Harry laughed mockingly.

"You may have to become pregnant."

Niall rolled her eyes.

"It would be more correct if you were a woman, but it doesn't work that way."

Harry agreed. He raised a hand and stroked it over Nialls cheek.

"I promise to review all the possibilities and maybe we will find the one that suits us?"

Niall took up his arms and pulled Harry over him. He kissed him softly.

"So we'll be a big family?"

Harry nodded and he landed on top of Niall. He groaned quietly and he put his hands around Nialls head.

"I intend to have everything with you and one day we'll sit like old men, and look back at all."

Niall laughed a little.

"I actually look forward to it."

Harry kissed him lightly.

"I know!"

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