"Sorry, I bumped into Chloe and got talking. I didn't realise the time."

"I started to think you really was gunning for Kelly," he chuckled.

"It's safe to say I won that one before it started," I smirked.


"I'll tell you over dinner."

After re-stocking the cupboards and laying out all the ingredients I need on the kitchen worktop I changed into something a bit more comfortable for the evening.

"Are you sure you don't want a hand babe?" Aston asked.

"No, I'm fine," I said pouring myself half a glass of wine and opening Aston a beer. "I need this," I smiled.

"Hard day?"

"Hmm," I mumbled in the glass.

"You didn't cause a scene with Kelly did you? I mean, nobody else heard what she was saying."

"No, it wasn't even an argument to be honest. I just gave her an answer back, but a bloody good one."

"It was her who started it then?"

"The second I walked in the door."

He frowned.

"It's alright, I didn't rise to it. I didn't do half the things I wanted to actually."

"I'm glad you didn't, even though she probably deserves it."

"I suppose I didn't help myself though."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Remember last week when we were texting each other at work, those pictures you wanted?"

"Yeah," he grinned.

"I accidentally sent her a text that was written for you."

"Oh, you didn't," he gasped.

"It wasn't a picture or anything, it was just a bit naughty."


"I'd convinced her it was for Charlie, but as she was putting her number in your phone Friday night.."

"She read my texts. Fucking hell."

"I knew there was something, I saw her face that night. I tried to talk my way around it today but I had no chance."

"Do you think she will say anything?"

"I don't know, I suppose she's got that against me now."

"But why does she care? I don't get it."

"She's jealous, obviously."

"Hm I suppose, but there's no need."

"I'm in your pants Aston!"

He laughed.

"She's always had a thing for Charlie too."

"It will be alright though won't it? I mean, you said everyone hates Charlie so nobody will care, right?"

"Everything will be fine until Charlie comes home. He's the only one who will care."

"Well lets hope she's forgotten it by then."

I sipped some more wine with as much hope as he's got, very little.

Dinner turning out a lot better than I first thought after burning the mince through talking and distraction, our stomachs are very satisfied. Left over garlic bread plated up on the coffee table with the remaining red wine we're now both completely chilled out on the couch watching a movie on film four.

"Thanks for dinner babe, it was delicious," he smiled.

"That's okay."

"Better than any take away I've had."

"Now that is a compliment," I giggled.

"I think I might join you with this new diet, I need to get back on track. I haven't been to the gym in weeks."

"I'm not going on a diet, I'm just not being so lazy anymore."

"It's not laziness, its connivence."

"Either way," I shrugged.

"So have you got anything for dessert then?"

"Maybe later."

Raising one eyebrow his smile widened, I think he's just as surprised about me saying that as I am. It has been a few days, which to Aston is a long time, and today seems to have cooled the atmosphere, so maybe. Just maybe.


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