Escape (His Sequel)

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Mack forcefully kisses me rough and disgusting as my wrists are sore and in pain. Wire wrapped around attached to the bed to keep me from going anywhere. He's on top of me and I want to throw up. I want to leave. I want to escape this hell but I'm too pathetic and weak. I'm a coward unable to stand up for myself against someone around the same age.

He shouldn't scare me. He shouldn't be able to control me as he has in the months since he died but Mack has. Breaking me down. Tearing me apart to make living miserable. Hurting me in every sickening way there is or at least describing the painful methods he would use on me.

The basement is one of them where I can't hear my own thoughts in the dark but screams of death and agony. He also likes telling me what he would do to a child I didn't think I would want. Scaring and torturing me it never ends.

"Fucking look at me." he spats as I oblige to stare back into his dark brown eyes I hate.

I can't stand him. I want to kill him. I want to hurt him like he's been hurting me for months but how can I? Even the same age he's more equip with skills to stop me before I can. Not to mention his family standing beside him if something were to happen.

Mack knows what to do to make me agree to everything he wants. Forcing me to become his sick love interest I feel dirty for being. I feel horrible but it's what I have to do for Abel. Why am I worthless? Why am I this weak? Am I giving up on life by complying to everything he wants? Have I given up hope?

I can't take it. I can't fucking take it anymore. Summer is already here once again and I'm still here. I'm still here and it's not what it used to be. Traver never hurt me this way. Traver reassured me. He told me to be good and once I was he treated me kindly. He showed me love but now he's gone. He's gone and Mack thinks he can replace him. He thinks he can brainwash me to see him the way I saw his brother but I can't!

I can't when Traver was different! He wasn't like his family and towards the end he started to see a future outside of here. He started to think about leaving here and being who he wanted to be that wasn't a monster in my eyes.

Abel begins to cry feet away, my attention turns to him in the other room I want to get to. I want to be there to make him stop crying. I don't want his supposed grandma to be there to pick him up and hardly allow me to see him. He doesn't even feel like mine when he's only around me when they approve of it.

Out of nowhere, without a warning Mack raises his fist and punches me across the face. Quickly a bruise begins to form and the pain radiates in full force. "I told you to fucking look at me dumb ass not in space! You're pain in the ass kid can wait!" he shouts.

"Why are you doing this?! Why can't you just stop?!" I burst into tears of pain and anger.

I didn't mean to talk back. I don't want to get him more mad and chance hurting Abel. I don't want that but I can only take so much. I'm breaking. I'm falling apart inside myself. I'm losing hope and it's killing me.

A smile appears across his face full of something sadistic inside him on full display. He's scaring me. He always scares me when he turns. He's full of hatred and dark desires I never want to see him act out in real life on me than just his terrifying fantasies he dreams of fulfilling. "Don't be stupid Logan. You know why I'm doing this and you know I'm not going to stop. I love you. You're mine remember? All mine." he says placing his hand on the side of my face he hit.

Stroking my face as if he cares about me when he doesn't. He's provoking the bruise, hurting me further until he suddenly stops. Fumbling into his pocket before not too long pulling out something shiny. Something I know is bound to hurt me.

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