Author's Note

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So I tried searching for a book or books to read that were scary and I found a few but none exactly similar to what I wanted. So I have decided to write out the ideas I have had in my head for a while into a collection of short stories.

All the stories are from my weird imagination or bizarre dreams I decided to write out into a number of short stories and might not make sense sometimes. Some may involve demons, murderers, killers, sick twisted characters who don't understand what the word love means. Or the opposite meaning they do realize what love is but maybe having a happily ever after isn't in reach leading the main characters on an horrible path they wish would end. Some also might not have anything to do with love.

Majority of the short stories will be in first person except every now and then I decide to attempt third. Sorry in advance for my third person point of view which I am still learning and improving on. I admit I'm not the best writer but I try. Writing is my escape and something I will always love to do.

Each story will involve male characters in a relationship together. Also most importantly male pregnancy will be used and displayed in some or all stories. If you're not into those type of stories this might not be what you want to read.

Unless I state otherwise in the beginning of a story male pregnancy is possible in my stories because of the following. All males are born with both reproductive systems both functional. They are able to become pregnant, carry a child and give birth. When the baby is about to be born their body goes through a change on the outside to make it possible then reverses back to normal after. Any questions or confusion feel free to ask me.

I have nothing else to say or add for now except I hope someone out there enjoys reading the short stories.

Happy reading. :)


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