
418 10 2

June 23rd


"Where do you think you're going?" his voice sends fear through my body.

He caught me. He found me before I could even step out the door back to the outside world. "No..no..nowhere." I stutter as my hand stays on the doorknob.

I slowly force myself to turn around to come face to face with him. I could try and leave. I could put up a fight and maybe escape without a problem but if I don't. If I don't the punishment I know he's going to give me will just be that much worse. It already is I can tell by the expression on his face.

No signs of being a good person as he steps closer to me ready to unleash his built up anger on me. He was never a kind caring person to begin with when he's the reason I'm here against my will. But right now the kindness he showed once I forced myself to go along with pretending to be happy here has been tossed out. He's back to the monster I first seen him to be for months.

My back is pressed against the door, fearful of what he's about to do to me with each step he takes. Distance between is gone and he's towering over me while I patheticly cower underneath him against my only one way out of here. I watch as the same devilish smile, he used to have every time he caught me doing something wrong, spreads across his face from one side to the other. I don't have time to flinch before he quickly wraps his right hand around my throat.

My airway becomes restricted as my heart pounds in my chest. I know what's coming. I screwed up. I tried to leave unsuccessfully. I almost made it. I almost escaped back to my old life but he had to notice me. He had to come back early to catch me before I could.

I struggle to catch a breath even though I don't think he will let me. He's too anger. He's too mad at me. "You think you can try and pull shit like this on me?! I'm not stupid Logan I know what you were planning on doing and it's unacceptable."

"I'm sor-"

"You're what?" he tightens his grip around me.

I can barely breathe. I can't speak when I can't breathe. Is he going to kill me? Would he kill me? He can't can he?

He lets go of me and I lean over struggling to breathe again free of his grip on me. Seconds pass and I realize he wasn't done as he smacks me hard across the face. The pain radiates on the side of my face he hit. "I'm sorry." I say again.

"I trusted you. I thought we were over your little idea of escaping your new home."

"I am. I swear. I wasn't trying to leave." I hear my shaky voice crack.

He places his hand on my chin lifting it up to look at him again. "I don't want to hurt you." he whispers, his warm breath on me. Anger he held towards me suddenly gone I'm left in surprise at the soft expression he wears now. He doesn't look mad anymore and hopefully I can use it to my advantage to avoid being punished.

"I'm sorry." I say again as I hear the sound of footsteps walking into the living room echo off the walls.

"I don't believe him." I hear Mack spat "I think he needs to learn a lesson."

"This doesn't concern you Mack. " he turns away from me to glare at his younger brother my age.

"No, I think it does. You're problem might break apart our family." Mack continues to go on to get me in trouble. He hates me. He's hated me since I was brought here and isn't shy to let it to be known. Or maybe it's not hate but jealousy over his brother having someone and he doesn't.

I don't know. I don't want to know unless it's going to interfere with my wellbeing. And it is right now!

Please! Please stop talking and putting thoughts into his head to hurt me tonight! I don't want to be hurt! I don't want it to be worse than I know it might be!

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