Trapped...Watching Evil Grow Up

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**Here is the sequel to Evil Lives Inside. Quick warning the story is something I didn't originally plan on writing. It may not make total sense but it is just a story from my imagination so I guess it doesn't have to. I don't know.**

I sit in the house on the edge of the bed. Bright light shines in from the window no longer boarded now letting in the sunshine. Giving the once abandoned house a small amount of color unlike the beginning when I first stepped into the crumbling house. It is far from what it used to be as Sean and Tommy started repairing the house. They both agree it is the perfect place to raise a family and start over. The land is abandoned and no one ever comes out to this property to check up on the secluded house in the middle of no where. This house is home or hell which ever I choose to look at it. Too scared to leave, too scared to stay. Fear of the child growing up in the same house I know is evil.

I get up off the bed standing up free of the restraints but I'm still stuck in the locked bedroom with bars on the windows to keep me inside. I guess in all honesty I don't have a way out. I am trapped there is no questioning the fact. I have no choice to leave even if I wanted to. He's stronger than me, the two of them keep me here unable to escape a place I hate.

I look out the window through the bars on a sunny day around noon from the position the sun is never actually knowing the time. I'm not allowed to know time of day, months or years I have been here. He keeps telling me I need to stop worrying and just be happy with the life we have but I don't see it as simple as he does.

Faint sounds of a child about five or six years old can be heard laughing and running around outside, Sam. He passes by the window as Sean chases after him pulling him into his arms. He doesn't look evil yet but I know he is. I know he will be because I can see him beginning to be the monster he was in his previous life. He has started taking a liking to killing animals with Sean. Torturing the helpless animals for fun passing the time. I heard Tommy and him talking about their plans for years to come. Sick plans of killing people for pleasure as they planned.

Sam isn't normal. He isn't a normal child with innocent thoughts. He isn't really a child being he remembers his last life and is the same person. He is living his life waiting out the years until he is older to live out dreams he was cut off from. He will never be sane or change into a person who doesn't have intentions to kill. He wants to cause harm, destroy people's lives to feed his need to see blood, taste it as he feels superior. He doesn't mind who he hurts along the way and Sean doesn't either.

The entire family is insane craving the killings they want to take part in. They act like killing someone is a game when it isn't. They have already brought a few people to the house to play and when I say play it means killing. I heard the screams, the begging from their victims they brought in. I was trapped inside the bedroom forced to hear pleading and begging from people they say deserve to be killed. I seen them taste the blood with satisfaction in their eyes for what they just did. It is disgusting and sick. Wrong in every possible way.

I place my hand on the growing bump in my mid section where the new baby is growing. I didn't want it. I don't want to have another baby with Sean. Why would I want to? I want to leave. I want to escape the prison he trapped me in but I can't. I can't and I don't have much left in me to put up a fight. Because if I didn't upset him and try to leave I would be able to be outside. I would be able to breathe in fresh air but I messed that up again. He doesn't trust me and I have to start over again regaining his trust to earn the privilege.

"Just give in Michael because the sooner you do the sooner we can be happy together. You can be happy." he repeated to me last night taking Charlie away from me. He whisked her away and left me alone in the dark depressing bedroom by myself.

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