XV: Conviction

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Song: Trust by Boy Epic

"Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it."

--- Rabindranath Tagore

Rose's POV:

I did not know what to do with my time. Jace had not returned. Marigold was working downstairs because apparently she was my warden as I was to be kept prisoner until my babysitter could resume his position of neglecting me.

Bauer was intermittent in the situation because he had to take care of the pack since their Alpha was busy doing whatever he does when he's rejected. Marigold and I had not spoken much since our conversation earlier this morning.

I wandered the house until I finally had had enough and went to pester Marigold.

"Can we do something?" I asked.

"You know I can't let you leave the house. Beta's orders," she recited.

"Come on, Marigold. Where's the fun in that?" I whined.

She smiled and shook her head slightly.

"You plan on bringing about just as much destruction as you can muster, don't you?"

"I'm not in line to be the next Queen of the Greer colony for nothing," I smirked.

Marigold's head whipped towards me as she gazed incredulously at me.

"How do you plan on being Luna at the same time as Queen?" She questioned me.

"I don't want to be Luna. I will be returning back to my colony with my beloved in tow," I responded.

"Jace has commitments here that he cannot simply abandon. We need you both more than your colony does."

"You do not know what my colony or I need," I retorted.

"Do they even care where you are?" I thought she was done, but continued nonetheless,

"Sure, they might have raided our pack a few days back, but they must've known you were not here."

"How would they have known?"

"Our pack left before the Greer colony did the day of the war. You were simply left behind by your own colony."

I didn't dare mention I was kidnapped. She'll only question where my loyalties lie even more,

"It was a lesson learned of who to accept."

"A lesson of how to pick your own beloved? Last time I checked no one is allowed the right to choose who their mate or beloved is."

"You do not know my people."

"You're right, I don't. I do not ever want to, neither will Jace. I was surprised the day that you had come. I did not think that we would see you like that. No one noticed the two different scents on you, but I did. Do not think for a second that I will hesitate to voice my opinions on where you came from because you should've been dead if they knew where you had been."

I was speechless. I could not believe the anger that radiated from Marigold. I flinched internally at the thought of the problem that would be created if she knew who I had escaped from. She would be angry, but more importantly Jace would be outraged. Although he left me for dead, I do not think he would appreciate me having an alliance with another pack.

I had overheard the day of the war that Jace had left because of a different threat, who that threat was I didn't know. 

"You don't know what you are talking about," I stated, trying to sound convincing.

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