Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

From: Louis

You spelled love wrong ;)

Rolling my eyes, I lock my phone with a click and set it on the counter. After a few moments of silence, my gaze shifts over to Niall who's shoveling the last bite of pancakes into his mouth.

He stares right back while chomping the almost non-human sized bite, no shame on his face. Man, this guy loves his food.

"Soo..." I trail, feeling a bit awkward while standing in his kitchen and watching him eat. I haven't talked to the guy much, but I know he's probably a really cool guy from what I saw after church a few weeks ago at the little get together Holly's parents had.

Niall swallows his last bite and hops down from the stool with grace. "I've got to take a quick shower. Feel free to explore my apartment while you wait. I shouldn't take long."

I nod, finding it surprisingly easy to follow his Irish accent. Holly must be jealous of the accents the rest of her family has. I know I am.

Remembering Niall's statement, I nod, but it's a little late for that, seeing as he's already walking away.

I start my self-tour by glancing around his kitchen. Surprisingly, it's mostly clean other than the plate and cup he left on the counter. I grab them and give them a quick wash before searching the cabinets and drawers for the correct place to return them.

After the kitchen, I go straight for the living room area where I see a comfy looking tan couch and a dark coffee table placed in front of it. A generous size  TV hangs along the opposite wall and below it is a fireplace. On the mantel is a few photos framed and placed strategically. I walk over and inspect each.

The first is of Niall, his parents, and some other guy who I assume is his brother, all smiling happily at the camera in front of... I can't make out the background.  The second is of Niall, Louis and Holly when they were younger all playing in the mud. I smile at the cuteness of it and move onto the next one. The third one stumps me. It's not unusual in its entirety, as it is a picture of everyone at one of Holly's parents' get togethers that they have on Sundays. But there, smack dab in the middle is Harry as a pre-teen, smiling widely with an arm around his mom's waist and his other around a girl who looks to be a few years older than him. He looks so happy that I stare at that photo longer than any other.

Finally, I rip my eyes away, confusion and curiosity taking the front thoughts in my mind and leave the living room, heading towards the hallway. There's only three doors and the first is a bathroom, the second is a guest room, so I assume the last is Niall's room.

Knowing I shouldn't snoop through the most personal part of his apartment, I turn to go back down the hallway, but a sound stops me.

I freeze in my tracks and hold my breath. I hear the sound again and it sounds a lot like singing. Turning, I narrow my eyes in the direction of his room and bite my lip. Obviously, I knew going into his room was wrong and maybe a bit creepy and stalkerish, but that singing...

Ignoring all of my thoughts that were morally sound and that told me to stop and turn back, I walk straight into his room, the sound getting louder as I went.

The sound is coming from his bathroom which is hooked onto his room. Slowly, I creep towards the door until I'm right up to it, then lean my ear against it.

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