Chapter Thirteen

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"Oh, hey there." Harry smirks at me as I pin him against the brick wall. He must think that I'm here to kiss him, because why else would I shove him against a wall and get all up in his face? Hate to break it to him, but there's a completely different reason for my violence. And it's his fault if he thinks my approach is in any way "intimate."

The real reason is because I'm upset and angry. Unbelievably angry. At Harry because even though it is my fault that those things happened with Ben, I need someone to blame right now. Someone to nag on so that I can get all of this emotion off my chest that's weighing me down. And Harry is just right in front of me, right here for me to get mad at. Plus, he is the reason why I went to spy on Ben in the first place. He needs to feel the guilt and regret of a thing like this too.

"Just shut up, Harry. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is ever any good. In fact, you ruin people. Everyone around you, you hurt. That's why everyone leaves you. That's why you're alone. I see it now." I pull back and look right into his eyes which are now narrowed at me. "You're just a little boy stuck in a grown up man's body just dying for a little attention. Did your daddy not give you enough attention when you were little? Or did your older sibling steal the spotlight every moment of your childhood? Tell me, Harry. Which is it? Which one turned you into the dick you are now?"

This wasn't even the direction I wanted to go with this. I just wanted to get what happened with Ben off of my chest. I just wanted to yell at Harry for putting all those stupid thoughts in my head to begin with, but here I am and I'm not doing that. All my anger has been channeled into insulting him. And it feels good. I can't stop, I won't.

"You have no idea what you're saying, New Girl. You don't know me." Even though he sounds like he's got control, I can hear it in his voice. I've hit a weak spot. Something I said must've been true. I bury the guilt deep inside me for the moment so that I can finish my rant. I'll deal with the after affects of this later.

"That's because I don't want to know you! You're a terrible person, Harry! You ruin people. You put this stupid idea in my head that Ben was cheating on me with Faith and you were wrong. You were wrong. So now Ben is never going to really forgive me for what I did. He's never going to give me another chance because of you. I hope you're happy."

I hope you're happy. Those words have been circulating through people's vocabulary today. And the words aren't heartfelt at all. They're sarcastic. And nobody is really happy at all.

Harry's voice comes out soft when he speaks. "What do you mean? How was I wrong?" I'm not shocked about him supposedly not knowing that Faith is Ben's half-sister. He's probably acting to get an apology out of me. And an apology is exactly the thing he's not going to get.

"Faith is his half-sister, not his fucking girlfriend, Harry. That's what I mean."

Harry is silent for a while, taking in this new information with a sense of shock. Wow, such a good actor isn't he? Ha. Well I see through his innocent charade. "I'm sorry... I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't know! You didn't think. All you did was see and tell. There is never any thinking with you. You think that there are never consequences to your actions and I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. There are, and there will be."

I stalk off before Harry can respond, needing to be alone now that I've got everything off my chest. Maybe I should have thought before I yelled at him. Because maybe my actions come with consequences also. Right now, though, I'm too blinded by anger to care whether or not I get in trouble for what I did. He deserves it in my opinion.

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