Chapter 14: An Empty Return

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"You still worrying about it?" I ask Lori as she turns around for the 4th time in minutes.

"It was a gunshot." She responds.

"We all heard it." Daryl adds on annoyed, Lori slowing us down each time she turns to look and wonder.

"Why one-- Why just one gunshot?" She asks out.

Carol shrugs, "maybe they took down a walker." he offers.

"Please don't patronize me." Lori quickly spits back, "you know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker, or Shane. They'd do it quietly." She says, although we all know that to be true.

"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol asks worriedly.

"There's nothing we can do about it, anyway. Can't run around these woods chasing echoes." Daryl tells us all.

"So, what do we do?" I ask, waiting for direction.

Daryl repeats the plan again, "same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway."

"I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV." Andrea tries to encourage Lori and Carol, but I take it to heart, hoping it to be true.

"I'm sorry for what you're going through. I know how you feel." Andrea talks to Carol. The rest of us waiting for them.

"I suppose you do-- Thank you." She responds. Carol looks through the rest of us. "The thought of her, out here by herself. It's the not knowing that's killin' me." she pauses for a moment, "I just keep hopin' and prayin' she doesn't wind up like Amy." I let out a sigh at her words, feeling awful for Andrea. Carol catches on though to what she said, "Oh, God! That's the worst thing I ever said." she reaches for Andrea's hands.

"We're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth." Andrea doesn't let her feelings show, instead consoling the mother before walking off a bit ahead of her.

"I'll tell ya what it's worth--" Daryl steps up to them, "not a damn thing. It's a waste of time, all this hopin' and prayin'. We're gonna locate that little girl. She's gonna be just fine." And he begins to lead the way again, "am I the only one zen around here? Good lord!" He comments heading into the woods.

" And he begins to lead the way again, "am I the only one zen around here? Good lord!" He comments heading into the woods

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We all follow him, Lori looking behind again, "Come on, let's go" I whisper touching her shoulder to get her to move on.

The sun is now on our backs as we make our way back to the highway, "how much farther?" Andrea asks tiredly. I'm happy she's the one to ask, even though it crossed my mind a hundred times myself.

"Not much.." Daryl tells her not looking back, "maybe a hundred yards, as the crow flies" he says.

Andrea quips back, "too bad we're not crows" she says sarcastically.

I chuckle at her response and steer myself off a little from the group still within eye shot. I walk through a spider web, grossed out and squirm to get it off of me. As I listen to another comment Andrea is making, a walker comes out from behind a tree and lunges at me. "Ahhh!" I scream out afraid. It keeps coming closer and I try to push it back, nothing to defend myself with. "Ahhhh. Help!" I screech. I stumble backwards more to try and get away but trip on something, my back against the ground. I scream with fear, not wanting to die this way. I hear them screaming my name but no one is close enough to help me. As I try to kick at it, it doesn't seem to slow it down. "Ah, ahhh.." I scream out. All of a sudden a person riding a horse knocks it away from me with an ax.

"Lori? Lori grimes? Whoa!" The women says panting, trying to slow down the horse.

The rest of them are across from me now, across from her, looking at the girl and the horse, "I'm Lori." the women finds who she's looking for.

"Rick sent me-- You've got to come now." she says in a hurry.

"What?" A few of them spit out, confused at what is unfolding here.

She repeats quickly, trying to control the horse from further movement, "there's been an accident-- Carl's been shot. He's still alive but you've gotta come now." she says, panic coming across Lori's face, "Rick needs you-- Just come!" She urges!

Lori begins to take off her pack and Daryl argues against her going, "Whoa-whoa-whoa! We don't know this girl. You can't get on that horse!"

"Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl?" She says as Lori moves closer to get on.

"Uh-huh." Glenn responds, knowing what she was referring to.

"Backtrack to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox. Name's Greene." She explains before kicking at the horse to move on back to where ever their farm is with Lori on the back.

We all watch in confusion as she rides away. The walker that almost ate me begins to wheeze itself off the ground "Shut up." Daryl snorts at it, putting an arrow through it's skull and walking towards me. "Damn it Sadie-Mae, why you go off on by yerself?" Daryl offers me his hand to help me up.

I accept it, still startled by what just almost happened to me, "I..I don't.. sorry" I say back to him, not really knowing anymore why I did.

He rolls his eyes, "just stay close by" he snaps back and continues on to the highway.

We get back to the road and inform Dale and T-dog what happened. We meet up in a circle to talk about what we are going to do next, "I won't do it. We can't just leave" Carol protests the option of going to the farm, wanting to wait for her daughter.

"Carol," Dale speaks, "the group is split, We're scattered and weak."

She shakes her head, "what if she comes back and we're not here?" we all look at her, "it could happen."

"If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." Andrea says to us all.

"Okay. We gotta plan for this then" I add on, understanding.

Daryl agrees, "I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the RV." Daryl tells us all, offering himself behind to wait in case she returns.

"If the RV is stayin', I am too." Dale adds.

"Thank you. Thank you both." Carol graciously responds.

"I'm in." I say, wanting to help anyway I can.

"Well, if you're all staying then I'm--" Glenn tries to say but Dale interrupts him

"not you, Glenn-- You're going. Take-take Carol's Cherokee."

Glen protests, "me? Why is it always me?" he asks like a child.

Dale explains, "you have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on-- But most important, you have to get T-dog there. This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection." He says. I look over at him, covered in a blanket even in the Georgia heat, "get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, T-dog will die, no joke." He says with a serious look and widened eyes.

Daryl moves to the motorcycle he rode in on, throwing something at Dale's feet, "keep your oily rags off my brother's motorcycle." He then puts a bag of pill bottles on the hood of a run down car, "Why'd you wait till now to say anything? Got my brother's stash." He begins to dig through it, "Crystal, x-- Don't need that. Got some kick ass painkillers. Doxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. It's first class." He throws two different bottles towards Glenn and Dale, "Merle got the clap on occasion." he shrugs walking away.

"You sure it was Merle?" I joke after him. Andrea and Glenn laugh along with me as Daryl just snarls in my direction, not laughing at the joke I made.

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