Chapter 6: A Broken Camp

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We've been walking for hours, and no one has said more than a few words to one another. I've learned the name of all the men I'm traveling with by now, and it's easy to remember T-Dog and Daryl. Our pace slowed as we get closer to whatever camp site they are located at. As we walk in the night, gunshots ring out and everyone jumps up a little and Rick takes off faster than a fighter jet. The others quickly follow him but I stand frozen on the dirt. My heart races with fear as the sounds ring out through the woods, "You comin' girly?" The man, Daryl, swings back around to me and asks, stopping closely to my face. I stare off through him, not connecting with anything he is saying, to paralyzed to respond, "Lets go!" He grabs my arm and drags me forward with him. As we get closer, he lets go of my arm and shoots one of the walkers in the head with a shot gun. He steps a head to kill another but I still stand frozen. "Damn it lady!" He hollers back to me running back and grabbing my arm again. We only go a few more feet forward before he stuffs me into a tent, "stay here!" He yells at me and then he's off again.

The cries and bullets continue on for a few more minutes before they slowly start to disperse and break a part. I hear someone yelling, "Baby! Carl! Carl! Baby!" and I know Rick must have found his family after we got split, that was his sons name. That's why he ran like he did when he heard the first shots. Although I'm happy at the reunion, a part of me is worried. What if he doesn't let me stay with them now that he has them. What am I going to do? Where will I go? I let myself listen to the reunion and sighs of relief and try to take comfort in them, try to assure myself I'm safe.

I sit in the same spot on the ground of the tent for awhile before Daryl returns to it. He throws his bow to the side of the tent where I am, "ow" I say as it hits me.

He turns his head to me, "yew still here?" His voice is husky and low. I shrug and nod, not knowing what to say back. I probably should have left a while ago but I didn't know where to go or who to talk to. He sighs heavily, clearly annoyed and pops back outside his tent. He doesn't go far though and comes back in soon, "just stay here" he grabs some things from the ground, "just tonight. I ain't sharin my tent with no mute" he adds on going to leave.

"Thank you" I mutter out shyly before he leaves completely. He stops for a second but leaves the tent in a huff without looking back. I stay seated for only a few more moments before finding his pillow on the ground and resting my head against it. I've gathered through the night that some people have died due to the dead attacking here and I hear some one crying out to a person named Amy. I don't sleep well but I do get a few hours of rest. When I decide to get up the sun is already rising and I can hear people already moving around. I stay in the out skirts of the camp they made, not drawing attention to myself and just picking at a plate of food I was given by a young girl named Sophia.

 I stay in the out skirts of the camp they made, not drawing attention to myself and just picking at a plate of food I was given by a young girl named Sophia

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Everyone in the camp begins to huddle around a man after a women claims he's been bit. I watch the scene unfold and my stomach churns. The man, Jim, sits by the Winnebago as they huddle together to talk about their options. Daryl proceeds to raise his hand while shouting out to the others with a pick ax in his arm. Rick pulls a gun and puts it to his head and the other man in sheriff gear like Rick's steps between him and Jim. I wonder if they know each other? Eventually Daryl drops the weapon in his hand and storms off. I watch as he does and when he gets closer to me he spits, "what you lookin' at, princess?" and grabs his bow from the tent and leaves the camp ground. I don't watch what direction he's going and instead keep my eyes trained on Rick. He talks with the other dressed man in uniform before turning around and gazing the area. He spots me and when he see's me looking back he waves over for me to join him.

I get up slowly and walk towards him, "this is Shane. He saw you sittin' over there and was wondering who the hell you were" he says to me with a smile, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to introduce you to everyone last night." he apologizes, lowering his head a little.

"That's okay'" I return quickly, understanding under the circumstances.

He nods with gratitude, "I hope you were able to find somewhere to rest" his eyes look at mine concerned.

I nod back assuring him I was fine "That guy, Daryl, let me have his tent for the night" I say lowly with a shoulder shrug.

"Daryl. Pfft.. Surprised he did anything nice" Shane comments. He puts his hand out for me to shake and I accept it, wanting to fit in around here.

"Sadie-Mae" I say to him, giving a small smirk.

"Hi Sadie. I'll take you around to meet everyone. We've kind of got a thing going on right now, so I may get pulled away." Shane tells me with a southern draw to his voice and a smirk. His dark hair frames his face and I nod while looking at Rick whose idea this obviously was.

Rick and Shane first lead me to Rick's family. I meet his wife Lori and his son Carl. When the boys step away Lori quickly moves close to me and hugs me tightly, "Thank you so much for taking care of him" she says to me in a soft voice.

"Oh uhm.." I stutter out, startled by her affection. I wrap one arm back around her, "it's nothing to thank me for."

She pulls away and holds on to both my arms, "he may not have survived in that hospital as long as he did without you. Thank you." she stares into me with sincerity and I smile back with no words. She walks me back to where the 3 of them were and leaves me next to Shane while her, Rick and their son walk off together.

"Let's go meet everyone" he says to me, slinging a shovel over his shoulders and holding it there while we walk. He introduces me to everyone I haven't met yet. I try to remember their names but it's too many. After awhile it all blurs together and I decide to hide out on top of the RV. The older man Dale sits on top watching over things and he's happy to let me sit in silence. Lori comes over to inform us they will start burying the bodies of the one's they lost and Dale asks me to keep watch.

"Here" he tries to pass me a sniper rifle after I accepted the binoculars. I shake my head no to decline, "you'll need a weapon" he encourages me to take it.

"I can shout out. I wont take that" I inform him as sternly as I possibly can, not wanting to continue this battle with everyone. He nods, placing it at my feet and retreating below into the RV. I sit in the beach chair that's set up and swivel myself 360 degrees to keep an eye on all areas as best I could.

Everything goes off without a hitch and I'm glad I didn't have to report any danger and ruin the funeral service they attempted at. I head down to meet with the entire group to listen in as they decide what to do next. Rick already has a lead role in this camp now and although I'm new he asked me to be there for support. I know it's the least I could do, so I oblige.

Shane starts it off speaking lowly, eyeing most people as he goes, "I've been, uh... I've been thinking about Rick's plan. Now look, there are no... There are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts." He looks at Rick now and Rick stares back, their friendship obvious to everyone. "I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning." He keeps his eyes around the circle.

Everyone dissolves as night begins to approach and I stay lingering by a camp fire. "Rick, can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask him when he's seemingly alone. He walks to the side of the camp with me and waits for me to tell him what I wanted to say, "what about Morgan? Wasn't he going to meet up in Atlanta, meet up here?" I bite my lower lip.

His eyes fall low "I know. I know they are, but we can't stay. I was about to head out to get a better signal and radio him right now." he explains to me.

"You think he hears you?" I ask.

He sighs, "I'm not sure. I hope so. I have a map here that I plan on leavin', to tell him where we went off to" he shows me the map from his pocket.

I nod and reply, "alright" and walk back to the campfire. I decide to sleep in the back of the sports car, as everyone else already seems to have someplace claimed. I get myself as comfortable as possible and try to drift off to sleep.

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