Chapter 9: The End Results

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I wake up with a headache. I sit up slowly trying to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I find a figure resting against the wall to my side, "where am I?" I mumble out still half asleep. Whoever it is doesn't answer and I move my arm to turn the light on that's next to me. As the room illuminates I recognize Daryl and the incident from the shower comes back to me.

"Can't a guy get some sleep?" Daryl grunts when the light is on, waking him up.

"Sorry" I mumble back, moving my hand back to turn the light off. I fumble to much though and the light tips over, the light and bulb shattering on the floor next to me. "Sorry, I'm sorry!" I say again, afraid of what he might do. I don't know who he is and he seems like an angry person.

A small light illuminates from next to him and it's shining bright in my eyes, "don't be sorry, just a damn lamp" he hops off what he's sitting on, "not even mine" he adds on kicking at the glass on the floor to try and make a pile of shards.

"Right" I say clamming up, still nervous around him. I look down and see the bandage wrapped around my arm with faint blood stains. There's a dirty brown sleeveless flannel covering me as well. "I should go" I say to him going to stand up and spotting the door.

"You ain't goin' nowhere" Daryl quickly stops me, standing in front of the only way out.

I hesitate, scared of what he wants, "what-- what do you want with me?" I question lowly sitting back down on the bed.

"Shit, all girls so crazy?" He asks "you ain't goin' nowhere cause of what you might do to yourself" he explains to me.

"What I do to myself is none of your business." I retort, now annoyed. He has no right to try and lecture me about it, he knows nothing about my life.

He chuckles lowly, "when I go to shower and find a bloody girl on the bathroom floor, it becomes my business" he adds on.

"Could've just walked away" I tell him looking away not wanting to explain myself to a stranger.

"Couldn't live with myself" he adds on. "Go back to sleep, yew can do whatever ya' want in the mornin." His voice stays low and husky. He returns to sit where he was before, putting the flashlight up so the light hits off the ceiling. I contemplate getting up again but the exhaustion runs over me. I lay down and try to ignore him in the room and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

"Let's go sleepin' beauty, they won't save us nothin' if we don' get it ourselves" Daryl's deep voice is over me and waking me up. I open my eyes and he's staring at me with a scowl.

"what?" I question with a yawn.

He rolls his eyes and grumbles, "breakfast" and with that one word he leaves the room.

I sit up slowly, allowing myself to wake up. I can't remember the last time I slept that well. My feet touch the ground, I throw on a pair of underwear and jeans and I shuffle out of the room I'm in and down the corridor. I walk into the eating room where most people are already chewing on things, "well look at you" Lori smiles when I walk in the room.

I tilt my head not understanding what she's talking about when Rick coughs up a little laugh, "who would've thought" I hear him say looking to Lori with a smile and a small shrug.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask them, confused. I scoop some eggs onto a plate. No one answers me and I sit down next to Andrea to finish eating. Shane walks into the room and the tension between Lori and him is palpable .

"Hey," he says walking into the room with droopy eyes.

Rick responds with one back, "Hey. Feel as bad as I do?" he asks in between a sip of his juice.

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