Chapter 12: Running Off

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Shane rolls out from the truck first, looking to the rest of the group and giving the clear for me to come out. The dead head group has passed to hearing distance now and I walk towards everyone and plant myself next to Shane. As we get there Lori and Carol are huddled together, Rick telling her something before running into the woods. I run over to them, "where is he going?" I ask nervously watching him.

"They are after my girl!" Carol says through tears. Lori holds her, bringing her head to her shoulder and trying to console the inconsolable women. I go to the edge of road where the barrier is and stare into the woods looking for him and the girl, hoping for their safe return.

"What's goin' on?" Daryl's familiar low voice is next to me.

I eye him with a side glance before answering, "Sophia is out there. Rick is going to get her." I explain simply.

"How'd that happen?" He questions. And I shrug back not really knowing the answer. "You're bleeding. Wa happened?" He reaches his hand to my head and pulls at the matted blood and hair.

"What?" My hand goes to my hair and pulls it back. I didn't even realize through the chaos.

Daryl's hand moves from my head and points at me, "what's tha?" He questions me looking down at my neck. I look at him nervously, unaware of what he's referring to and he drags me to the side of a car and let's me look at my reflection. I spot the hickey on my neck, below my ear. It's purple hue shouting how fresh it is to my skin. I cover it quickly with my hair. I look over to Shane, whose sitting with Carl and he looks back at me, "him? Really?" Daryl puffs out before turning away.

Anger courses through me, "what? You were hoping it'd be you?!" I yell back to him.

"As if" he spits back with a chuckle.

"Then what? Why do you keep trying to save me? I was ready to die, ready to end it all. No one asked you to save me. I sure as hell didn't ask you to save me" my anger is spilling through and others are starting to get closer to see what's going on, "I didn't want to be rescued!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Dale is closest first, "calm down, Sadie." He puts his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me.

I go to storm away, not comfortable with all the attention on me, "Sadie-Mae!" Daryl calls out to me. I stop, turning my head to glare at him with daggers, "that's my lucky shirt yew have there. I couldn't let that thing go down with you" his eyes glimmer from the sun, happy with his response. Telling me it was never about me when he dragged me out of the CDC.

I unwrap the old brown flannel from my waist and throw it on the ground at my feet, making sure to step on it before storming off to the RV. I storm into the truck where Andrea is fidgeting with a gun, taking it a part and putting it back together, "you alright?" She asks me. I ignore her and make my way to the bathroom area. I rinse off the blood from my hair and brush it out as best as possible. I look closely in the mirror at the mark left there form Shane and try my best to cover it up again with more hair.

After I've done all that I can I leave the RV and go back outside with everyone else, "where is everybody?" I ask Lori when I notice how small the group is.

She sighs, "Glenn, T-dog, Shane, and Daryl went off with Rick to find Sophia" she tells me.

I look at her with sad eyes, he didn't find her yet?" I worry.

"He did, but told her to hide while he drew the 2 walkers on them away to kill them. When he got back to the spot she was gone" she shakes her head walking towards the guardrail leaving me. I nod and decide to wander around the area while we wait, searching for supplies. I find a truck that someone must have found earlier with bottles of water. I smile as I open one up, letting it run down me like a shower. The Georgia heat keeping it warm as it slides down my clothes and skin.

Some more time passes when Shane, T-dog, and Glenn come back from looking. Rick and Daryl stay out there looking why the rest of us gather what we can. Andrea and I help Dale move some of the parked cars so we can turn the RV around. "Why aren't we all out there looking? Why are we moving cars?" Carol asks rubbing her arms with worry.

"We have to clear enough room so I can get the R.V. turned around as soon as it's running. Now that we have fuel we can double back to a bypass that Glenn flagged on the map." Dale explains to her as Andrea and I try to start another guy to move it.

"Going back's going to be easier than trying to get through this mess." Shane comes over to where we are all standing and adds in to the conversation.

"We're not going anywhere till my daughter gets back." Carol states

"Hey, that goes without saying." I add on, agreeing with her. She's just a little girl and we need to wait till we find her.

"Rick and Daryl, they're on it, okay? Just a matter of time." Shane tries to comfort her.

Andrea comments now, "can't be soon enough for me. I'm still freaked out from that herd that passed us by, or whatever you'd call it." She drinks from a bottle of water after passing one to Glenn and myself.

Glenn adds, "Yeah, what was that? All of them just marching along like that."

"A herd." I agree with what Andrea said.

Shane does as well, "that sounds about right. We've seen it. It's like the night when camp got attacked. Some wandering pack, only fewer." he takes a deep breath out "Okay. Come on, people. We still got a lot to do." and moves away from everyone.

As I work along side Glenn we hear something come from a radio. We follow the sound to where Shane and Lori are, clearly interrupting whatever it was they were talking about "The emergency alert system has been activated. The Office of Civil Defense has issued the following message: Normal broadcasting will cease immediately. This is a civil emergency."

"Is that a local signal?" Glenn asks.

"It's got to be within 50 miles of here." Dale adds on.

"Avoid anyone infected at all costs. Remain calm. Help is on the way. The emergency alert system has been activated."

Shane turns the car off and walks to the back of the SUV, as everyone else leaves I follow behind him, "everythin' okay?" I ask as he puts a suitcase in the back.

"I'm leavin' Sadie" he tells me before shutting the trunk.

"Leaving?" I question, following him.

He pauses at the drivers side door and sighs out, "gonna slip out when it's quiet. I can't stay here, not anymore" he shakes his head.

"Ok" is all I can think to respond with.

"You're more than welcome to come" he removes a piece of hair from my face, placing it behind my ear, "maybe then we can finish what we started" he steps in closer, closing his lips on mine.

"You're more than welcome to come" he removes a piece of hair from my face, placing it behind my ear, "maybe then we can finish what we started" he steps in closer, closing his lips on mine

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"Maybe" I say between his lips and pushing him softly away, "not now though" I whisper before walking away. I try to decide if I want to go with him, or stay here, with Rick and the others.

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