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be careful of what you do to your hands, touko!


"Izuku! Izuku!"

A girl with short blonde hair ran up to him, who was currently on his computer playing some online games. "What is it Touko?" Izuku spun around his chair, landing his eyes on Touko, who currently stood before him. "Is there something wrong with your hands? Did your quirk activate again? Are your hands damaged even more?" He started to freak out, face showing every sign of worry, slightly shaking. Touko laughed and shook her head, making Izuku sigh in relief.

"I just forgot where the bandages were, silly! I need to change them." Touko said and shoved her hands in front of Izuku's face, making him shriek and slid back in his chair. "T-Touko! Doesn't it hurt?" Izuku said and got out from his chair, frantically walking over to the bathroom where one of the medicine cabinets were, Touko following behind. "U-Uhm.. yeah." She mumbled, staring down at her fully red hands while Izuku opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bandages and some antibiotic cream.

Touko's hands showed no sign of skin regrowth, there was some ruined skin on her wrists though. Her hands looked like Todoroki's face mark, but instead the burn covered her whole two hands. She shut her eyes and hanged her head, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She was useless with hands like these, whenever she used her quirk it would ruin her skin completely, giving her just more than one degree burns since she couldn't control her quirk, even when she is 14 now. She couldn't control how she could use her quirk, and her body can't handle it for some reason. 

"A-Ah! I forgot that the antibiotic cream was in the fridge, follow me Touko!" Touko blinked away the tears, running with him into the kitchen as he went and grabbed the antibiotic cream. When Izuku set the bandages and cream on the counter, he sent her a reassuring smile. "D-Don't worry Touko! The cream is cold this time, so it'll relieve the hot temperature on your hands!" Izuku said grabbed the bottle of antibiotic cream, pouring a huge amount on his hands and looked up at her, and Touko looked up at him.

She held out both of her hands and Izuku started covering the cold cream on her hands, making Touko sigh in relief at the coldness, but making Izuku shiver slightly. After he was done applying the cream on your hands and wrists, he wrapped the bandages around them and smiled up at you. 

"Thank you Izuku!" Touko smiled, laughing a little at the end, clenching your fists over and over again, happy that you don't have to feel as much pain anymore. "H-Hey! You're going to loosen the bandages and hurt yourself even more!!" Izuku yelled in worry, 


Touko, Izuku, and Izuku's mom were all sitting at the table, eating Yakitori for dinner. Touko took a bit of chicken, smiling,  and talking along with Izuku and his mom. "Oh! Touko! Me and my mom thought of an idea of what to get you to help with your quirk!" Izuku said, head turning to Touko, a bright smile on his face.

"Y-You got me something... to help with my quirk?" Touko asked in disbelief. "Yeah! Mom can I got get it, please?" Izuku asked excitedly. "Yeah Izuku!" Izuku's mom said happily, laughing afterwards due to seeing Izuku's cheerfulness. Izuku quickly got up from his seat and ran to his room.

Izuku came back, both hands behind his back. He sat down at the table and quickly waved the gift near Touko's face. It was a pair of black gloves, Touko noticed how the gloves won't be tight on her hand due to the size of it and that the material was made out of leather. She took the gloves out of Izuku's hand, now staring down at her bandaged hands. "O-Oh right! It'll help keep the bandages in place, and the gloves are actually pretty cold inside, so it can help cool down your hands if you accidently hurt yourself in anyhow or activate your quirk! It can also protect your hands, since it's pretty strong leather material! It won't be able to get torn as easily as your normal average gardening gloves, and it's better and more efficient!!" Izuku said, looking over at Touko as she put the gloves on. Touko shivered by how freakishly cold it was, but got used to it.

"O-Oh! One more thing to mention - heh heh." Izuku said nervously, his mom nodding at him excitedly to continue. "I know how you might think that I got you those gloves to help your hands but... but that's also it!! It's just that... I've remember you talking to me about you wanting to become a hero. So I thought these gloves would be the next, huge step forward! Just promise me that you'll try your best to become a hero!" He said, holding up a thumbs up towards Touko, a wide smile on his face.

"Izuku..." Touko's voice wavered, tears forming in her eyes. Izuku and his mom started freaking out over you crying, trying the best to calm Touko down with words. 

"Promise me you'll become a hero too!" Touko yelled unexpectedly, clutching their knees with their hands. "I know you don't have a quirk but... you always said how you can try and try! So promise me, you'll never give up, and always try your best for yourself and others! That you'll try your hardest to become a hero yourself!" She yelled staring up at Izuku, tears falling down her face.

Izuku started to form tears and spill them as well. "I-I promise Touko!" He yelled bringing her into a hug. Touko and Izuku cried into each others hugs. Izuku's mom rushed over, trying to get us to stop crying.

This was the moment, that Izuku and Touko would always remember.

To try their hardest at becoming heros!


but, touko, can you keep your promise for izuku?

development - Boku No Hero AcademiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon