Chapter 12 - Andrew

Start from the beginning

"It's bigger than your living room," she says. "And everything is new."

Just before Emma came to town, I removed all the old furniture and cleaned the place up. I don't know why because I always assumed I wouldn't use the place but here we are.

I place the bag of food down and head back to the door. I push the door open just a little bit before it bumps into the bottom of the car, just enough for me to hear what's going on.

I can hear someone knocking on the front door and the front door opening. I can Richard talking but I can't hear anything else. Emma presses her ear against the door to get a better hear at what's going on.

I pull the door shut when I hear the sound of footsteps towards the garage. Emma's eyes open in panic.

"There going to catch us," she says. "I'm so-"

I place a hand over her mouth just as the garage door opens.

"How long have you lived here?" The police asks.

"My whole life," Richard replies.

I signal Emma to stay quiet as I remove my hand from her mouth. The sound of steps around the garage worries me. All he needs to do is look under the car to notice there's a door that leads to a secret underground room.

"How long is this going to go for?" Richard asks.

"As long as we find Emma," the police says. "Her father is furious."

"Are you sure she's been kidnapped?" Richard says.

"Of course," the police replies. "Don't question what I've told you. I know how to do my work."

The door pulls shut and they leave. I press myself against the wall and let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. Emma does the exact same.

"Do we stay here or go back up inside the house?"

I hold her hand. "I don't know, I guess Richard will let us know."

We go back down the stairs and Emma drops herself on the lime green couch. She looks devastated and I know this can't be easy for her.

Sirens continue down the street. We got lucky this time. If Richard hadn't come this time, we definitely would've gotten caught.

I grab a packet of chips and throw it in Emma's direction. "Eat."

She shakes her head. "Not hungry."

Although what she really means is that she can't because I can hear her stomach rumbling from here.

I walk over to her and sit beside her by the couch, grabbing the packet of chips. I pry it open a shove a piece in my mouth. I turn and kiss her cheek before holding out a chip for her. She turns her heard to face me. She frowns first but then smiles before opening her mouth and eating the chip.

"It's fine," I say. "As long as we've got each other, it's fine."

Emma smiles when I say that. "We'll be okay," she whispers before grabbing me by the shirt and leaning in to kiss me. Her lips feel warm against mine, sending sensation down my body. Her hands travel down the back of my spine and I notice how much I crave her touch. My body literally reacts to every touch of hers, no matter how small or big. I just want her hands all over my body and I don't want her to stop.

She leans against me, placing her head on my chest when I fall against the couch. She grabs the packet of chips that has since fallen abandoned on the table. She takes turns placing a chip in my mouth and then hers. I smile as she reaches the last chip into my mouth. I wrap my mouth around her finger before she pulls her finger back and wipes it on my shirt. "Ewww."

I smirk. "Eww? You kiss me," I say as I tickle her.

She laughs before jumping off be and hiding behind the table. When I take a step to the left, she moves to the left. "Please don't, Andrew," she says.

I reach forward to grab her but she runs to the tap and fills a cup with water. "Andrew, stay away," she says.

I laugh. "Or else what?"

When I launch for her, she flings the cup in my direction, wetting my whole entire shirt and the front of my jeans.

I smirk as I grab the cup off her and place it against the sink, I pull her body against mine and press her back against the door. "Andrew, please."

"What were you saying?"

She smiles. "I promise I won't do it again."

I press my lips against hers and kiss her hard. My hand reaches for her shirt and before I know it, I've flung it off her body and onto the ground. She leans against me, her body pressed tightly against mine as she grabs me by the neck and pulls me into an even deeper kiss. It's rough and seductive and I very much like it. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it against the couch. She closes her eyes for a second taking a deep breath and then opens them. Her hands reach for my bare chest and I can see by the way she touches me that she likes the touch, almost craves it like I do.

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