Chapter 35: Marry Me

Start from the beginning

He smiles and kisses her forehead. "You have our permission, Austin."

I can't contain the smile spreading across my face. I stand up to hug both of them. "Thank you so much." I say to them.

I wait a week to get settled back in and catch up with my best friends and Calli before I finally propose. The town has an annual ball around Christmas time. Everyone in the town comes. I let Calli's best friends in on the proposal. They are just as excited as I am. of course I tell the gang about it as well. They can't wait either.

The night of the ball Alex and Sarah, Robert and Zach come to Terrell Hills for the ball. They go earlier than I do, along with Demi and Beth and their boyfriends, to make sure everything I need for the proposal is set up.

I'm waiting downstairs with Nathan and Grey for Calli. Mrs. Kelly steps out of Calli's room, holding Calli's hand. Calli walks out with her crutches, but the only thing I see is how beautiful she looks. Her hair has grown back to almost it's original length. She has it straightened with a section French braided back. Her dress is a long mint green color, that's one shoulder. I see she even has heels on; that makes me wonder how long she's been practicing that.

They make it downstairs and Calli smiles at me. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful." I breathe out. "You look incredible."

She blushes and bites her lower lip. "You look great too."

I take her arm as the five of us walk out to the car. The ball is held in the school gym, because of the removable ceiling. All the lights are shut off around the school so you can see the stars clearly. We arrive and everyone is already dancing. I lead Calli to the dance floor, but she's a little reluctant.

"I don't know if I can, Austin." She whispers.

"If it's too hard, we can stop." I whisper pushing hair back behind her ear. "I know you can do this though."

We walk out to the dance floor. She can't quite stand up on her own yet, so I pick her up, and place her feet on mine. She stands on my feet smiling at me. I sway to the music, smiling down at her.

"Look at you, dancing again." I whisper in her ear. "I knew you could do it."

People around us cheer as she dances on my feet. After a couple of songs we go back and join her family. Their table is right in front of the stage. I leave to go on stage. The music stops and everyone stares at me.

I let out a breath and step towards the microphone. "Here goes." I whisper.

The spotlight shines down on me. I'm handed my guitar and I softly start strumming. "This one is for Calli." I say. "I love you, beautiful."

Everyone in the audience awe's. I start playing the chords of She's Everything by Brad Paisley; Calli's favorite love song. The song ends and everyone cheers.

I take another deep breath. "Callista Rose Owens." I say. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I can't believe you chose me, out of any guy you could be with. Even though you absolutely hated me when we first met, I knew you were the one for me. I didn't care. You called me stupid so many times, I honestly fell in love with it." Everyone chuckles. Even in the dim light I can see her blush. "But that's not the only thing I fell in love with. I fell in love with your grace, your passion for everything. I fell in love with the way you dance, the way you come alive when you move. I fell in love with you strength, your determination to keep fighting; basically I fell in love with every aspect of you."

Her mom helps her up and leads her onto the stage. Zach brings out a chair for Calli to sit in.

I walk over and take her hand. "Callista Rose Owens." I sigh. "I can't live without you. I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are everything to me. Your mom told me I saved you, but baby you saved me too."

I can see tears streaming down her face, as her smiles grows with every word I say.

"You are my heart, and I love you so much." I say kneeling in front of her.

"I love you too, Austin." She whispers taking my hand.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. "Then Callista, will you marry me?"

A sob escapes her throat as everyone else cheers.

"Yes!" She squeals. "Yes, Austin!"

I put the ring on her finger as the cheering increases.

Calli leans over and kisses me passionately. "I love you Austin."

"I love you too Calli."


I couldn't believe it when Austin proposed to me. It didn't feel real. Even today as I am about to be walked down the aisle, I still cant believe it. Demi is my maid of honor because of us being friends the longest, while Beth and Sarah are my bridesmaids. Zach, and Robert are Austin's groomsmen while Alex is his best man; Grey gets to be our ring bearer.

I'm in my room taking a few more breaths when my mom pokes her head in. Her belly slightly pokes in as well. A month after Austin proposed mom found out she was pregnant. I found out I'm going to have another baby brother. She's due next month and we couldn't be more excited for her.

She takes one look at me then wipes her eyes. "You look so beautiful, honey." She says. She looks at my neck and smiles. I still wear my daddy's necklace. "Nathan wants to see you too."

I smile. "He can come in. I actually wanted to talk to him."

Nathan walks in. "Calli, you look amazing. Austin's going to love you more in this."

I smile. "Thank you Nathan." I whisper. "You know a dad is supposed to walk his little girl down the aisle right?"

He nods. "I'm sorry he's not here to see you Calli, but I bet he's smiling down from heaven."

I smile and wipe a tear. "I know he is, and I know he would also want you to walk me down the aisle today."

My mom's eyes widen as tears stream down her face.

"You may not be my biological father, but you have been a blessing in my life. I love you dad." I whisper.

Tears pour out of Nathan's own eyes. "I would gladly walk you down the aisle Calli."

My mom goes out to sit with everyone else. The music starts and the bridal precession walks out. Nathan and I are last. I start walking with our arms looped; I still use my crutches. Austin's eyes widen when he sees me. Just like everyone else, tears pour from his eyes. He brings his hand up to his mouth. i know he does this to keep from running his fingers through his hair.

Halfway down the I aisle I stop. Nathan looks at me. "Do you need your chair?" He whispers.

I smile at him. "No I don't." I start taking off the crutches. "I don't need these either."

My mom comes and takes the crutches from me. "You can do it baby."

I stand up straight and take my first step towards Austin. Everyone applauds me as I take each step towards my future.

Austin meets us at the altar and takes my hand. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers.

The preacher smiles. "We all have witnessed something spectacular today. And now we get to witness a second one."

He says the usual song and dance when we finally get to the "I do's."

I look Austin right in his beautiful eyes and say, "I do."

Austin stares into my eyes and smiles down at me. "I do."

The preacher closes his Bible. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Austin lifts my veil, and puts his hands on my cheeks. Slowly he leans in and kisses me.

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