"Well, at least this way, you get to rest before you have the baby." George pointed out. "I mean, being that pregnant, keeping up this pace..."

"What are you saying, I look tired, O'Malley?" Bailey frowned at him.

"No, not- not tried, no." George stuttered. "You look fresh, spry. You glow. What...stop now."

"O'Malley, go with Watley and go an intake on Addison Shepherd's patient." Bailey instructed.


"Dr. O'Malley. Dr. Watley." Addison greeted us as she walked into the patient's room behind us, making the girl's parents look up at her.

"Hi. Um, Mr. and Mrs. Singleton, Rebecca, this is Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd." George handled the introductions.

"You don't think it's cancer, do you?" Mrs. Singleton asked right away. "Bex is too young for cancer, right?"

"Mrs. Singleton, I'm just getting up to speed." Addison told the worried mother. "I'm sorry. Dr. Watley?"

"Rebecca's been admitted for-" I began.

"Could you stop calling me that?" Rebecca cut me off.

"She prefers Bex, not Rebecca." Mr. Singleton informed us.

"Bex has been admitted for an ultrasound guided biopsy on an enlargement of a pelvic lymph node." I started again.

"Okay." Addison nodded. "Bex, you mind if I check it out?"

"Okay, I'll just, um..." Mr. Singleton excused himself, leaving the room.

"It's a minor procedure, Bex. But we'll give you a local anesthetic to manage the pain." Addison told the young girl as she began to examine her.

"What are you drawing?" George asked her, trying to make the situation less awkward for himself.

"Just a dumb comic." Bex shrugged.

"You're really talented." George complimented her as he glanced over her notebook.

"It's big, I know." Mrs. Singleton said when Addison glanced up at her, having found the enlarged node. "It just appeared one day."

"I'll preform a biopsy this morning, and Dr. O'Malley and Dr. Watley will have to take some blood so they can run some tests." Addison told them. "Then we can start to get you some answers, okay? Mrs. Singleton, there's no need to panic. I'll keep you posted every step of the way."

"Thank you." Mrs. Singleton nodded as Addison left the room.

"Sorry about this, but I'm gonna need that arm to get some blood. I'll be quick." George told Bex as she went back to her drawing. I watched as he pulled up the sleeve of her hoodie, revealing scars on her wrist. I could feel my eyes widen slightly as I glanced up at her mother who only looked away.


"Labs for Bex Singleton." George handed the labs over to Addison.

"Anything?" She asked us as she began to look through them.

"Yeah, her hormone levels- estrogen, progesterone- are sky high." George informed her.

"Huh, that's- you did a history, right?" Addison looked up at us. "Any mention of birth control pills?"

"No, but her parents were right there." I pointed out.

"Talk to her again." Addison told me.

"She hasn't hit puberty yet." George frowned. "Isn't it weird she'd be having sex?"

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