Chapter 3: We Named The Monkey "Jack"... Er, the Giraffe...

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The next thing I knew, I was waking up at 5:15!!! When I sat up, I noticed something SUPER abnormal. The only thing covering me was a thin, white blanket! And all that was covering Andy was me. I just broke down into tears. I was no longer a virgin. I lost my virginity. To Andy Biersack. My hero. My hero that was a total asshole!! The memory came flooding back as I put my clothes on...


After Andy and I started making out, the guys dropped like flies within a couple minutes. Shortly, Andy pulled my shirt off of me, smirking at the fact that it was BVB. I unbuttoned his flannel shirt, and we both went for each other's skinny jeans. They came off easily, and Andy unhooked my bra. Once it fell from my chest, Andy threw it to the floor. He was very drunk, and I was sober. I was making this decision. Andy was only barely making it. Then he gently pushed me so that he was on top. 

"Do you trust me?" Andy whispered, not slurring a single syllable. I nodded, and the rest was history. 


I picked up Andy's clothes and threw them on his face while whisper-shouting, "Hurry up. Get dressed. Before they wake up and suspect anything." 

"Mmm??......" Andy was definitely not a morning person! I smacked him, "Wake up! Get dressed." Andy glared at me and got dressed. He obviously had no clue why he was undressed. Cool. He completely forgot. 

"Why am I undressed? Did you do something to me, whore?" 

"No, I didn't. Don't ask me what happened. Everyone was drunk. I fell asleep before you, CC, and Jake," I stretched the truth there. A lot. I guess you could say I lied. But he was with Scout. And he just cheated on her. This was bad. He could never remember last night. 

"Okay then. Well I'm going back to bed. If you're leaving, leave a note for the guys." 

"Fine. Don't mention this little encounter then." 

"Fine. I won't, Poser Bitch," Andy got his acidic tongue back, "You can go cut your wrists again." 

I smacked him, "Don't you EVER say that again!!!" Then I wrote the others a note nnd went back home.

[Andy's P.O.V.] 

"What the HELL?" I thought, "Why was she so frazzled? And why was I undressed?" then I remembered last night. She was frazzled because of last night. We had sex. We were both drunk, so that means technically... I raped her. I was the worst person I knew!!! "I can't believe myself!!!" I buried my face in my hands and started crying. My already smeared eyeliner was running down my cheeks. 

That's when Jake stirred. I wiped my face and pretended to be asleep. It didn't work. 

"Hey man, is everything okay?" 

"Y-yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" 

"You just seemed really upset a second ago." 

"Oh..." Dammit! Jake knew I was crying. Perfect. Fuckin' perfect! "I just- Nothing. Oh, apparently the ho had to leave. There's a note on Ash's chest," I pointed, and Jake read it, nodding. Good. 

"Cool. So now... What was with the tears, man?" 


"That's a lie. Dream about Scout?" 

I shook my head, "Ariana." 

Jake raised an eyebrow, "A dream about Ariana?" 

"No," my face fell and my heart broke, "It was reality. That's the worst part about it." 

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